Day - 04, 25th May Monday - The Diary Game by steemit

in GEMS4 years ago

Hello everyone. I Hope everyone is good here. So this is Rishabh and I'm back here with my another diary post for the Daily diary game of#100daysofsteem and @steemitblog so lets get started.

images (7) - 2020-05-25T215517.028.jpeg

Some intresting facts

we are still on lockdown
2 months in a Row for lockdown in India
Very strict rules, less freedom

To be honest This lockdown has literally changed so many things for me not just me for almost everyone who's suffering from it So without wasting any more time lets move forward about my today's activity which actually has nothing new.

So today again i had some kind of sleeping trouble in the morning i woke up at around 6:34 AM After few mintues my cousin sister called so we spoke over phone for a few minutes and i told her that I'll talk you later because i need to get back to my beauty sleep. So i went to sleep again at around 7AM.

Later, i woke up again at around 10:20AM so as usual after waking up and checking up my phone for notification and then the same freshen up and brush my teeth And get my shower as soon as possible Because a shower really make you relaxed (singing involved more relaxing)

So again it's around 11AM and its time for my breakfast. I really miss having eggs in the morning because can't go out also all the stores are closed do can't help about it. So i didn't had anything special in my breakfast today same boring stuff.

So after having breakfast i got my phone spent like a hour to check steemit notification and make reply to all the posts and make different posts in other communities so i started working making new blogs /articles.

After finishing steem work i went back to watch my web series that i have been watching fro yesterday and its really a good intresting web series so today i watched another 3 episodes in a Row lol. Here you can see my progress for the next day in web series

Now it was around 3PM so i went to bed to get a little nap also i forgot to mention that i was home all alone today so i slept so long so i actually till 5:30 PM felt so lazy to wake up still. So finally around 6pm i woke up freshen up.

Now my friend text me that we have a game in pubg mobile more likely a tournament between some teams so i had get ready for it. So from 6:30 PM i played like 2 games till 8PM and fortunately we won both of the 2 matches and felt so much good after winning and taunting opponents lol.

So as usual now it was almost time for have dinner because i didn't see time while playing i get so deep into it whenever i watch web series or play online games i just don't notice anything else (domination).

So after dinner i made new post over steemhunt later started to read more articles and blogs over steemit. Also i was listening songs while reading it kind of help me. So i spent like another hour over steemit. Now it was almost 10PM or So time for get back to web series again but i got reminded that i have to write my daily diary yet so i decided to write my daily diary post first before watching web series because sometime i accidentally fell asleep while watching movies. So i finished writing my diary post and now I'm posting and going back to watch web series for a while and I'll go to bed after it so that's all for today's activity.

Thank you for stopping by here :)

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