in GEMS4 years ago (edited)



Children as we all know are vulnerable and susceptible and parents, although we are not perfect and when we decide to have it, they do not come with a manual to show us how to handle our role as mother or father, but the reality far exceeds any manual, it is enough to teach them by example because they They learn by imitation if we have the responsibility to educate our children in the best possible way to be able to keep their mental health balanced because it is necessary to understand that we have one of the most difficult roles of all roles.

Children learn what they live they keep it they practice it and later they reflect it in their body and feelings and obviously their mental and physical development depends on the upbringing they receive it is obvious that they begin to know the environment around them through their parents They are their first role models and children learn many things by imitation as I have pointed out above and as has been shown by experts and scholars throughout the ages.



Parents are the greatest example and the most important for our children, they are sweet innocence pure ... take care of that great treasure that is in them that is supceptible and can be broken with any discrepancy.



It has been shown that children spend a large part of their days looking at what they see, that is, what their parents do, their actions, their responses and their ways of reacting, and these patterns are the first to be observed and will mark them forever, so if we should keep in mind is that children do not know how to discern between bad and good

Children are sensitive and imitators of what they see, but they can also suffer from traumatic emotions if what they see or hear are overwhelming cases that do not correspond appropriately with their feelings and emotions.
Traumas are very difficult for children and difficult for parents to handle.



In this regard, Sigmund Freud stated more than 100 years ago in the descriptions of his clinical cases, that not only young children but also babies suffer endogenous and exogenous trauma and that these overwhelming psychological states are stored in memory and can hinder their further development or even make them lack it.



Traumas are very delicate in the infant stage and in babies since they can limit their development because trauma is really states that make a very intense emotional impression on them and are generally caused by their parents, either due to internal causes or causes.
external, that is, for endogenous or exogenous causes.

Children can suffer trauma for many reasons and the events that can produce them are diverse since this problem is not only of adults it is also a problem in the infant stage which can be brought on by your first caregivers

According to Coates, the influence of relationship quality of primary caregivers on trauma processing is crucial. Therefore, caring for this important person can either worsen or regulate the child's anxiety.
By taking the necessary care, the mother's ability to detect the signs of trauma to the child and respond to her needs can mitigate the impact of the symptoms. However, if it is not the child but the mother who suffers severe trauma and consequently psychological states are withdrawn or overexcited, the child will also begin to develop symptoms.

It is extremely important who or who are caring for babies or children in their early childhood because although their parents or someone who cares for them also has problems of this nature, this could impoverish the psychological state of the child.

In this situation, parents must have an enormous responsibility and be attentive to each of their behaviors, trying to give fundamental and precise examples for the proper functioning of their physical and emotional development so that children perceive similarity between the words and the actions that we say or do understanding their stages and their behavior regarding their emotions and their behavior.

The most unfortunate thing about this situation is that children who present traumatic state in their first years of life will mark it for life if it is not attended in time by the understanding of the parents and specialists according to the case.

It is very likely that if we do not treat in time the possible traumas that children may present in their childhood they will mark them forever and even their most delicate stage, adolescence and youth



Leading by example to correct children's behavior is universal because according to the example we give as parents that is what they will receive and what they will develop throughout their lives.

Let's take care of the feelings and emotions of our children specifically in the first years of life, if you take care of their mental health you will be taking care of their whole life

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