in GEMS4 years ago

The transformation process that develops in society forces families to take the first step in civic civic education together with the school to consolidate social skills in children, which begins to develop from early childhood through of the relationships that children surround in their world.


In this context, guiding the process of social skills aimed at various behaviors that allow the child to function competently is and should be a responsibility of everyone, especially parents.

I remember that social skills are a set of behaviors that allow us to function effectively in social situations, being able to establish adequate relationships with others and resolve conflicts.

Social skills in children are the continuous actions that they carry out throughout the day and that are obviously loaded with emotions, feelings, ideas and subjective perceptions that will influence the behaviors that unfold in interactions with others, therefore, although this is main task of parents also the school and other social organizations must cooperate jointly so that children can develop it effectively

In this sense, we must support children to develop their social skills in an articulated way.


In this order of ideas , it is important to highlight that the importance of social skills recurs in the adaptation of the child to the different environments in which it operates and these have a specific influence on the family, which is the first school forging values, since it is evident that children form their first habits within their family, then the school where the teacher must maintain a value-forming attitude, the media also influence them as they currently invade our lives and transmit values ​​and anti-values ​​that influence people from all ages and finally the peer group that is never lacking in children's social relationships.

These groups facilitate adaptation or make it difficult for children, influencing their self-esteem and self-confidence, which is why internalizing about the first years of life is of utmost importance to facilitate and promote social skills adequately since the first years of life are the foundations on which the child's personality is built and obviously if it is not done in this way we run the risk that children have serious problems in their social environment and cause low and inappropriate self-concept and low self-esteem that will influence in a way predominant in adolescence and adulthood.

How should these skills be developed in children?
Remember that these are learned and developed through socialization in which children interact by learning in direct imitation and reinforcement experience.

Social skills according to the Educa Peques portal for children should be developed through the following terms:
Attachment empathy assertiveness self-control conflict resolution and communication
These are carried out when we internalize it and put it into practice in the following way:

Attachment occurs when children establish affectionate ties with others.
Empathy is when the child is instilled with the courage to put herself in the other's shoes to understand her situation precisely.
Assertiveness when children have the ability to solve situations without harming others
Self-control ability to control your impulses.
Conflict resolution ability to understand when conflicts come and in turn have the ability to find solutions.
Communication very important act in social relations as it allows the ability to express and hear

Bibliography consulted: Teacher's website

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