Punch With Multiple Kicks In Practice

in GEMS4 years ago

If you practice martial arts, you will have some lessons where you practice punches with multiple kicks. You can do low kick, foot stomp, front kick, side kick, roundhouse kick and so on.

Punch with multiple kicks.jpg

You can hit different parts of the body with kicks. Two things you can consider when you do any kick. First, where you are and second, what you want to do with kicks.

In a fight when your opponent punches you or you punch him, you usually focus on the upper parts of the body. As soon as you find an opportunity, you can hit instantly. You can do low kicks when you are close.

Low kicks can be done in any situation, and you can adapt to different environments. In case your opponent is too close, you can do foot stomp. Then punch, if he moves back, you can do side kick. After that, you can go for a roundhouse kick.

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The distance between you and your opponent can help you determine which kick you do. Again when you see your opponent is off guard, you can exploit his weakness, attack him and penetrate his defense.

To be good at kicking and punching, you can practice different combinations of punch and kicks. Most martial arts have lessons to teach you this so that you can use it effectively in a fight.

You can practice on your own. Later you can ask your training partner to practice with you. It helps a lot understand how to and when to punch and kick in a fight. So spend some time on sparring.

Thank you very much for reading this post. If you are passionate about martial arts or practice martial arts, you can follow me @RezoanulVibes. I share different things about martial arts and self defense. I hope it will help you on the journey of learning martial arts.

Please feel free to leave your comment below. Stay safe. Always be happy!

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