Distraction - The Most Effective Weapon For Self Defense

in GEMS4 years ago

You learn different self defense techniques and most often you might miss a vital point for self defense in real life. Distraction can be the ultimate weapon for self defense. Whether it's gun disarming or knife defense, or any other defense, when the attacker is more aware of what you are about to do, there is less chance that you will be successful.

Gun disarming.jpg

You know this is how you can defend yourself against guns. If you make mistakes, the consequences can be very bad. All the attacker needs to do is to pull the trigger, and you know what would happen next.

You are very good at high kicks. That's great. But high kicks are not going to solve every problem. Sometimes I see people teaching gun defense like doing high kick to the attacker's hand. In an extreme situation when you have no other option, you can do that. But you should avoid doing it. The attacker can move his hand and shoot you from right there.

Do not try to do something fancy, it looks good on movies, not in real life. You do not care how good you look when you apply some techniques, you only care whether you can defend yourself or not.

Knife attack.png

When you do martial art training, you usually focus on physical aspects. How you move, grab, strike, and defend yourself. You might forget the psychological aspects. In a fight for self defense, you have to pay attention to the psychological aspects.

The attacker has the knife close to your body. It could be anywhere, the most dangerous it would be when the knife is on the throat. You can talk to the attacker, give him what he wants. If you decide to make your move, make sure that you distract him first.

Maybe you are talking and he is also talking and listening to you. He almost forgets about the knife that he holds, you can make your move then and you have to be pretty fast. When it comes to defending yourself against guns, you can apply the same thing. You need to distract the attacker somehow before making your move.

Knife defense using distraction.jpg

If you do not distract the attacker and you are going to make your move, the attacker can see that and respond quickly. As a result, you might end up getting injured pretty badly.

I'm sharing my opinions here. You can have a different opinion. Self defense techniques are important, and when and how you are using the techniques, that's more important. What do you think about that?

Please feel free to share your experience and thoughts in the comment section. Thank you very much for reading this post. If you practice martial arts or you are passionate about martial art and self defense, you can follow me @RezoanulVibes. That's it for now.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

About Me

Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, self defense, and digital marketing. I started making videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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