Music ; The Natural Medicine for All of My Diseases

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


The opinion of music as a natural medicine is trully works in every condition. All feelings expresses through music always helpful to make peace with many bad things in life. No wonder people love to both sing and listen to the music. Actually this is the main reason that I'd just realized about why I bloody love to sing. Every time I sing, I always feel happy. It's just like a natural medicine for me. Today, I attach a video of my original song that I wrote few years ago. The title of the song is "Balee Rumoh Geudong". This song was inspired by a true moment when I was in my homeland, Aceh. At that time, in my village, my friends and I were sitting on the small hall made from coconut tree when sudden rain and wind came along and caused starfruit leaves flying down and fell to the ground. I was extremely amazed of those memorable time that fortunately give me inspiration to always remain it at the same I sing this song.

Pendapat musik sebagai obat alami benar-benar berfungsi dalam setiap kondisi. Semua perasaan yang diungkapkan melalui musik selalu membantu untuk berdamai dengan banyak hal buruk dalam hidup. Tidak heran orang suka bernyanyi dan mendengarkan musik. Sebenarnya ini adalah alasan utama dimana aku baru menyadari mengapa aku suka sekali bernyanyi. Setiap kali bernyanyi, aku selalu merasa bahagia. Ini seperti obat alami bagiku. Hari ini, aku melampirkan video lagu yang aku tulis beberapa tahun yang lalu. Judul lagunya adalah "Balee Rumoh Geudong". Lagu ini terinspirasi oleh momen nyata ketika aku berada di Aceh. Pada saat itu, kami duduk di tempat penampungan yang terbuat dari pohon kelapa ketika hujan dan angin tiba-tiba datang dan menyebabkan daun belimbing terbang ke bawah dan jatuh ke tanah. Aku sangat terpesona dengan waktu mengesankan itu yang untungnya memberiku inspirasi untuk selalu tetap pada saat yang sama ketika aku menyanyikan lagu ini.

Here is the video of my song...

The lyrics and its translation

Ujeun ditoh on limeng duroh
Lon duek bak balee

The Rain falling down, the leaves flying to the ground
I sit on an open shelter

Ujeun ditoh on limeng duroh
Lon duek bak balee

The Rain falling down, the leaves flying to the ground
I sit on an open shelter

Balee bak u dikeu rumoh lon
Gampong Tanjong Metareum desa
Dileun rumoh geudong balee kamoe meuseunda
Troh bak saboh uroe ilham lagu pih teuka

The coconut shelter in front of my house
Tanjong village in Metareum
In the yard of old house the shelter we kidding around
Until today the situation inspiring me to write this song

Ujeun ditoh on limeng duroh
Lon duek bak balee

The Rain falling down, the leaves flying to the ground
I sit on an open shelter

Kuneng indah meuayon-ayon
Ceudah wareuna peuayeum mata
Leupie suasana balee kamoe meuseunda
Gadoh hate gundah ilham lagu pih teuka

The yellow leaves flying down nicely
It's given us such an amazing view
The cold covering us on the shelter
All the worries gone and the song work inspiration comes

Have you checked the video? How is your feeling now? Is it better? I hope so.

With Love,

Reza Sofyan

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