All about purple wildflowers || My Tree Tuesday!

in GEMS4 years ago

Wildflowers have amazing beauty. I sometimes get really surprized seeing random wildflowers in parks, around my house, or even in my garden. Without any care how they grow so beautifully, no?

My gallery is full of random wildflowers. One reason I keep them is to learn more about them as if they are good for natural medicine. And, sometimes just because of beauty. I found that I have several purple wildflowers in my gallery. Today I'm gonna share some!

Snapdragon root

Purple Lantana

Thanks to Google lens to help me easily find out what is what. Because you know I don't know many of the plant's name. But I found that this is not just me. I asked many and several times I didn't get any answer. So, now I only depend on Google. My lifesaver!

Morning Glory

Angel's Trumpet

I don't know most of the local names these flowers. But I really like what name I got from Google. Like the, Angel's Trumpet. Isn't it a perfect name for this flower?


Mimosa Pudica

This last one is one of my favorites. If you know them then you already know why. And if not then I'm gonna tell you. This plant is touch-sensitive. So when you touch them the leaves close and opens after a while. When I was a chide, it was one of my favorite games when I used to found this wild plant.

We don't know when the time will come again so we can live a normal life, we can see the wild beauty. Maybe the day is not too far. In this meantime, let the flower blooms, let nature heal and become more beautiful!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom. I have a toddler boy and a beautiful family.
I had my University degree in 'Public Administration' and later did my Post Graduation in 'Human Resource Management'. I also gathered experience working with HR in a multinational Organization. Besides that and most importantly; I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and sure, I'm a positive learner.

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