Splinterlands, EPIC Dragon Manticore in the battlefield.....steemCreated with Sketch.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Hello Monsters (Splinterlands) family....

Another week of Splinterlands is going on. While I am writing this post three more days & 20 hours left for another season to end. It's been a nice season so far. Got some quest rewards which was not really expected but to be honest they were better than the previous few weeks. While hoping to get something positive in this season's reward, fingers crossed!

If you are a splinterlands player and playing fequently, then you can get some additional benefits of sharing your battle with a weekly challenge which is arranged by Splinterlands every week(along with some other impressive ways) to earn some rewards. Do check out the @splinterlands blog to keep yourself updated. Following that today I am sharing my battle with all of you and participating in the Splinterlands Weekly Challenge!.


Battle link

This week's monster was MANTICORE. One of the most favorite monster of mine, which I tend to use whenever the gameplay suits it. If you are not familiar with Manticore, let me share some info regarding to it. It is an EPIC Dragon Monster which supposedly has 3 abilities upon unlocking it's abilities at different stages.

  • Flying : Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Reach : Melee attack Monsters with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team.
  • Thorns : When hit with a Melee attack, does damage back to the attacker.

At level 1-3 it has Flying and reach ability unlocked and in level 4,5,6 it has Thorn ability unlocked.


Since I use this monster quite a lot, I upgraded it to level 4 unlocking it's full perks. The battle that I used manticore and other monsters, the rule of that match were UNPROTECTED & REVERSE SPEED . So I went to the following monsters.

Since the rule is unprotected, so I will not have any armor on my monsters, so selecting Red Dragon in the 1st position is likely the best choice for me. Along with it's healing ability and the addition of +1 magic and +4 melee attack would be a charm in this position. In addition to that the reverse speed +2 for the dragon would be an addition benefit for me in this scenario as well.

Manticore suits at 2nd position because of it's reach ability. And not only that it can handle some attacks if red dragons is dealt with from the first place. The additional benefit of +1 melee attack was a benefit for me.

Fiendish Harpy, I do not use the card like the way I use manticore or other cards but this monsters has it's own benefits and comes in handy at all times. The +3 melee attack and along with it's ability of `opportunity` it is a fierce card in the battle. If the life of this card was increased a little more, this card would have become a beast. But yet it is still a worthy card to use in the battle.

Phantom Soldier, I use this card most often in different games. Thanks to its life and the magic ability it is a very useful card in a battle. At level 5 it has Void, Silence and Magic ability and I have been using it from the very beginning of this game. Helpful and useful card indeed.

Undead archer is not a card that I use that often. But thanks to it's mana it fits in certain battles. It sometimes gives a hard time to the opponent due to its ability and it was nice to use it in this game. Since there was no monsters in the opponent team of healing ability this one could have done some cool damage to the monster. But either way it did its job very nicely.

Twisted jester, is one of my favorite card. In my early days along with other cards I used twisted like crazy. And this match was no different than that. And sue to its abilities this card was perfect to use it last position. I was satisfied by its actions. Although I was having some doubts if the opponent would come out with sneak ability then things could have been a lot different. But it did not and that is what matters.

So if you ask me did my strategy work?

I would say, of course it did and the victory was mine.

Like I stated some of the monsters that I use quite often and manticore is indeed among one of them. I would definitely use it, if the situation and rules demand for it. And that sums up today's post of mine.

All the images related to Splinterlands used in this post are taken from Splinterlands.io and from @splinterlands account.

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