Don't Let the Mind Get Tagged by Disloyalty

in GEMS4 years ago

All minds are afraid to lose what they cannot have. They are good at the very least in keeping their guard up. But if a person's mind is not tied down by thought, it opens itself to suggestion.

These useful opportunists will try anything and everything to make their claims for whatever they're after. To this end, they get careless about keeping a clear head. This is when disloyalty will appear, either by word or deed.

The mind is as fragile as an egg and should be guarded carefully. Everything that comes out of opportunism is treachery. It can be used against you, whether it's through words or deeds. Either way, it can be stopped and you can keep it from coming back again.

Always keep your inner strength intact, because that is your greatest weapon against the forces of treachery. It takes a lot of inner strength to keep a clear head in a world where a lot of things are happening. It also takes a lot of inner strength to deal with disloyalty.

Anyone who uses their mind to get what they want without giving their inner strength is not worth your time. The best way to use the mind is to always keep it on the lookout for potential danger. Beware of people who manipulate your mind with their self-serving words, your inner power is your best friend, and will help you handle any attempts by those who would take advantage of your good nature.

It takes time to build up your mind and the effects of betrayal. When you are attacked by something, you have to see it coming, that's how your mind deals with it. The longer you live, the better the more you develop the ability to defend yourself and your thoughts against treachery.

So if your mind gets tempted by opportunism, you should make sure that you do not fall into the trap. It's important to understand that you are a person who was born with certain rights, one of them being the right to think for yourself and to formulate your own ideas. This is the only way to protect yourself from those who would take advantage of your inner strength.

Remember that you are the one who decides how you wish to be treated, no one else. If your mind has been won over by Disloyalty, then it will give you some direction. Take this opportunity to show them who is boss, and when the time comes to get back at them, you can be counted on to be the one to rise above them all.

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