Personal Entrepreneurship

in GEMS4 years ago

Personal Entrepreneurship

Hello to all my readers; Today I want to share with you what I did today, an undertaking that I have done with my aunt, what is it about? It is a business that sells ice cream, these ice creams are very good, I found out that they existed thanks to my friend from school.

It has many flavors, there are Brownie, Nutell, Bati-Bati, Red Fruits, Oreo, Cocosette, Toddy, Rum with raisins and Bailey´s; they are very creamy. Now the question is how to promote it so that it can be sold, in the first place the company that sold it to us gave us a poster, it is a sticker to be pasted on a flat surface.

Now what I all did was make that poster as the first form of advertising, my uncle helped me cut the poster in the shape of kisses, we used a piece of MDF wood that we had in the house, well he cut it and everything.

First we mark the shape on the surface and then my uncle cut it out and remove the roughness from the edges, then I paint it white to match the white border that he already has. And so that it does not deteriorate very quickly, I wrapped it in cellophane paper, the kind they use for the kitchen, as it is transparent it served me perfectly.

The work was almost ready, now put it in a visible but safe place, because a little sign like that in my neighborhood, I do not know why, we decided to place it in the frame of the main door, my uncle again had to intervene to My help, I look for a way to glue another piece of wood to it and with the help of a bent metal strip I help hang it on the frame.

I look very good, like a 3d poster that stands out hehe heh, now hope that potential clients see it and provoke them.

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