Creative Block or Creators Block ...

in GEMS4 years ago

I think many of you are familiar with this term called Creative Block or Creators Block. I came to know a few days ago about this term, but this entire situation or this type of blockage happened with me in the past. What is exactly Creators Block or Creative Block? Both are similar to each other. Creators block means when a creative person faces difficulties finding creativity or face blockage into his imagination, he faces a lack of inspiration and barrier into his world of imagination.

Creative blocks, or barriers to inspiration, can be described as the inability to access one's internal creativity. Those in creative professions—writers, musicians, performers, artists—are often more likely to be affected by creative blocks, which can last for days, weeks, months, or even years.

Sometimes we can't think anything, we want to write but we can't. This happened to me several times, either I don't find any subject, story to write about, or no inspiration. Sometimes because of panic, stress can happen, we just can't write or if we write something, that is not creative, it can be just random basic shit.

As an architect, when I was in professional life, this creative block happened to me once and stayed for 15 days. I couldn't draw any single line, I was stuck, my mind was not working, I was blank. I personally feel writers, artists, architects, and musicians face this difficulty as a lot. An artist needs the inspiration to draw otherwise it is very difficult to draw.


Architects do designs but sometimes they do working drawings which are very rare because that's actually draftsman's job. But a freelancer architect has freedom rather than corporate architects. Because when I was doing my job, I was forced to do work when I was facing this creator's block.

Even, I tried to change my work style, I tried to do something else but I felt that I need a break. I think everybody needs to break when you are tired to do monotonous work. I think after a certain period of time creative output level of an individual becomes low and demands a break. Lack of motivation, inspiration, boredom, overthinking, confined thinking can be the reason for creative blocks.

We just need a break...


What can be Done:

I was thinking of what can be done as we can't force ourselves and control our brain, right. So, what can we do? I was thinking about this term from the past couple of days because I felt lost, out of inspiration, and felt like I am living in a jail. My mind was puzzled and I felt like I am losing my mind. I felt like my mind is black and my brain stopped working.

So I decided to do something out of the box...Maybe you can try them also...

  • Do something which makes you happy, if you think you want to sleep the whole day without doing anything, just do it... LOL...
  • Relaxation, self-care is important, I personally think sometimes we forget who we are and lose ourselves somehow. It's better to find ourselves first.
  • I think sometimes it's good to go against the flow and do something which you have never done before. But here is the thing, don't try to do anything worst like criminal activities.
  • Try something fun, like maybe just draw a pink sky or green water.
  • Fear creates barriers which are true, try to overcome that.
  • Go for a walk, choose an unknown place, try to observe life.
  • Don't expect too much and be really for unexpected circumstances.
  • Sometimes inspirational quotes, funny videos, other creator's work helps a lot.
  • Take a break, calm down, and think about what exactly you want to do.
  • Last but not least find yourself.

I am not a therapist or I am not saying my words are 100% true because I have no idea about other's life and their situations. These are basic things which can be done but I always say, it's better to take a deep breath and stop for a while to think. We always move forward and there is no time to look back.

Just don't lose yourself into this race...


Explore Life with Priyan...




"I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."

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Original post written by @priyanarc




I just read this from you about block.
Thank you for sharing good knowledge.

I just read this from
You about block. Thank you for
Sharing good knowledge.

                 - jasonmunapasee

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