Yeah! On fridays, I usually always post something about music.

in GEMS4 years ago

And this Friday will not be the exception. Except, that this is going to be a pretty quirky music release like an authentic brain salad of topics with a lot of different spices, herbs and flavors which mix an unsuspected variety of distinct disciplines like for example:

  • History.

  • Business.

  • Spirituality.

  • Aspirations.

  • Harmony.

  • Dreams.

  • Peace, Music & Love.

And what surely is gonna make this dish a tad more exotic, eccentric and extravagant. Is the fact that I will sprinkle it with a panoply of supposedly unrelated sauces not known before within the traditional cuisine gourmet in the music industry, like those of our current times:

  • Politics.

  • Economy.

  • Blockchain.

  • Pandemics.

  • Control Freaks.

  • Social Distancing.

  • Massive Gatherings.

Did you know the Woodstock Music Festival, New York, US, 17th August 1969 occurred in the middle of a Pandemic?

Yeah! that was called “The Hong Kong Flu (H3N2) of 1968" and at that time nothing was closed by force. Schools mostly stayed open. Businesses did too. You could go to the movies. You could go to bars and restaurants. No one was under forced confinement and even you were allowed to swim in the mud together with five hundred thousand souls in the same place.

Yeah! those were very different times.

David Crosby (Crosby, Stills & Nash): What happened was that half a million people treated each other decently. I don’t think there's ever been a gathering of half a million people anywhere where there were no rapes, no robberies, no murders. None. People behaved differently with each other. It was so stunning for those of us that were there that we can’t get it out of our heads. There was a moment where anything and everything worked the way we dreamed it could.

«-See me Feel me-»

Yeah, definitely these were other times, other mindset. Times where three days of consecutive peace, love and music could authentically be recreated like a great early example of how gathering a large group of people around music can really make waves in society. Like a true Revolution.

Rebels, revolutionaries like the blockchain evangelists of nowadays who dream with transform and even dismantle the American System of current political affairs and economics in a not so distant future. Yeah Hippies!!

But going back to The Hong Kong Flu of 1968. You can make click here and watch & enjoy of extra footage of those magic days as they have never been seen before. A Friday, Saturday and Sunday of 1969.

Woodstock Festival

However today we are in 2020. At barely two days to enter in the second semester of the year. And little seems to have changed since those dreamy days. The old politics and economy of those days seems to wish and want to perpetuate itself for an eternity. But will blockchain technology allow it?

Bridging Two Generations Separated By 40 Years.

¿Blockchain as a new framework of Love, Sharing and Community?

Because after all, lovers of music, peace, harmony, solidarity and well-being of all humans as a whole. Like all the activists and believers in the kindliness and benefits of blockchain technology. We are all convinced that our dreams and hopes to change the world in the near future for something much better, should no longer be far from crystallizing.

Since we are starting to be aware that Covid-19, social distancing and the mannerly "elbow bump" are nothing new and all this malarkey actually was invented & modeled 14 years ago by computer-simulation modelers.

Thus, hence and therefore...

¡The Fight Must Go On!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



@por500bolos I'm not old enough to have attended Woodstock but this week is the 28th anniversary of a free festival and rave at a place called Castlemorton in the UK. it was a few days of anarchy and madness organised by a small convoy of new age travellers pulling on to the site on the Tuesday having been moved on from various places and by the Saturday there were between 40,000 and 80,000 people there (estimates vary wildly but I'd go with the upper end. Bear in mind there was no promotion beforehand, social media hadn't been born very very few and mobile phones. 1 answering machine message and word of mouth was all it took.
It was a mad and incredible few days partying at all of the various stages and with little to no trouble, sanitisation was the biggest issue. I did hear of a guy ripping people off who was dealt with on site and packed off on his way.
Unfortunately the festival caused a huge fuss in government which led to the criminal justice bill, a law specifically targeting gatherings and music "wholly containing a succession of repetitive beats" a law against a music genre.
Things changed, business got involved and we are where are now.
It was fun while it lasted though!

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