Maltaret Lake - Photography

in GEMS4 years ago


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I woke up in the morning and I saw fog in the city, so I was thinking it would be nice to take some dramatic photos.
There is a forest and a lake, like a natural reservation outside the city, on 30 min distance. But when I got there the fog was lifted, I got some clouds and some sun.
So my dramatic fog idea was gone :) but you work with what you have, the sky with clouds was nice, and the lake had nice reflection. (I found some mushrooms in the forest so I still got some dramatic macro shots even without the fog)

I used a tripod and my Sony A6400 camera to take some photos there. For lens I got 16-55mm F2.8G and 90mm F2.8G. I always shoot in raw format and I edit them in Lightroom and Photoshop.

I can say it was a relaxing spontaneous tiny trip :), birds where singing, on the lake where a lot of frogs also singing. Usually there are swans on the lake but I didn't see them today.

If you ever come to Arad, Romania search for Padurea Ceala, Lacul Maltaret and Parcul Natural Lunca Muresului.


Toate fotografiile tale sunt superbe, dincolo de partea artistica sunt evidente cunostintele tehnice. M-ai facut curios sa aflu mai multe despre RAW format.

mersi, in format raw se pastreaza toate informatiile, depinde de aparat extensia difera arw, cr2, dng. Ai optiune sa salvezi si jpg si raw la unele aparate foto. Cand faci poze in format jpg practic e o versiune comprimata cu lumina, culoare si setarile ce ai avut, daca ai ales white balance eu stiu inorat asa ti-a exportat. Dar cand e in format raw poti sa schimbi dupa white balance, pastreaza multe informatii despre culori si lumina practic din o poza foarte intunecata poti sa o recuperezi sa o faci cum trebuie, pe cand la jpg nu poti fara sa arate "arsa". Dezavantajul la raw e ca e mare poate fi de 10 ori mai mare ca un JPG si nu se deschide ca jpg, iti trebuie un editor gen lightroom, photoshop si acolo ajustezi ce vrei si ii dai export la final. Exemplu ce poti face inainte cum era poza raw si dupa editare, daca era jpg nu aveai nici o sansa sa le scoti asa :)




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