in GEMS2 years ago

Continuing from CUT TO THE CHASE 1

“Now, let's talk about why we're here. What have you learnt? Did you meet him? Did you talk with him? What did he say?” She bent her head low over the table and spoke in hushed tone, as if someone was trying to listen to us. To be honest, I wanted to calmly give her a swift response but part of my mind was distorted because I imagined the catastrophic consequence that would erupt if unfortunately, Princess’ Keke breaks down, and as a result of trying to calm her nerves down, she steps into the Lavish facility to buy water and she finds me sitting with a strange young lady with curves and Igbo accent, when I was supposed to be at home or on my way to Ebere’s.


“Yes, I did,” I replied solemnly, staring down at the table because I wanted to avoid direct eye contact with her. “Said, he's done with you and he's focused on building his life with Munachimso. I tried for extended periods to convince him but he's made up his mind. And he has his reasons. Good ones.”
“Moses, don't be saying that. This guy is your friend and you can convince him. Don't give up on it. I've got to having back, at any cost, Moses. Fine, I made a mistake in the past and I didn't realise until now. Now, I've realised, I want to set things right. Moses, this guy is the nicest person I've ever met in my life. When I left, I thought I would easily get a better person, but I've realised that he's the best, and I made a mistake by pushing him out of my life. Munachimso is a treacherous snake and I shall deal with her in this Kubwa. I'll make life a living hell for her until she gives me back what rightfully belongs to me.”

“Come off it, Babe.” I gave her a weird look. “This is not rocket science, this guy's a human being. He's got feelings, he's not a toy that you dismember and fix again. This guy stood by you when you were a nobody, he helped you get the job you're currently doing. He opened a boutique for you and did so many wonderful things for you. When you drowned in that swimming pool and stayed in comatose for six months, he had the opportunity to leave you and pick up another beautiful lady, but he didn't. He stayed by you, prayed steadfastly for you to get out of comatose, and her remained faithful for the entire time. But when it was your turn, what did you do? You left him. He lost his job for just three months and lost all his capital, and fell down to square one. Instead of you to stay by his side and encourage him, you neglected him, broke his heart and started sleeping with all the Alhajis in Dutse. Despite this gross misconducts, he still tolerated you and stuck with you, he hoped you would look into his eyes and support him to get back on his feet, instead, you gave him the bomblast by opting for a divorce that sank him into depression and stole life away from him.

Your best friend, Munachimso, warned you against your ill treatment of him but you neglected her advice and continued to run after money. She stepped into your position in his life, and through her father's influence, helped him to get a better job at the National Assembly. And now, he's back on his feet and you want to go and deal with her for rescuing a soul that you almost got destroyed? Should I give you a round of applause or should I tell you the truth?”

•••to be continued

I remain my humble self @Oredebby

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