Valentine's Day. What did you give away?

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)
It is normal that all people who love each other, have a relationship or are willing to have it, give nice details to the person with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives. I have seen many types of gifts: Rings, dinners, breakfasts, trips to the cinema or to a shopping center.

You know I wanted to do the same; Be a little romantic and thoughtful and go slowly so that the evening was almost endless.

In my mind was a whole dream movie and a room prepared by candlelight.

Spectacular, right?

The matter was well under way, she was not there and I took the opportunity to prepare everything so that when she arrived, everything was ready.

I had to divide my time in preparing everything and my work; but I managed well.

Night came and everything was ready to turn the room into a brutal battlefield, melee and without foreign intervention.

Upon arrival, everything was perfect.
-It will surely fall at my feet, I told myself; He will not be able to resist.

Upon entering the front door, I receive her with a passionate kiss, a box of chocolates and take her to the room, whose bed covered with red rose petals and aromatic candles.

With a smile on his lips, he hugged me by the neck, with his left hand he massaged my neck a little and said:

-Everything is very nice; I love. But I didn't ask you for some chocolates as a gift.


My eyes almost left their basins trying to remember what she was asking for. I didn't remember at all what he had told me.

We, the men, are good at inventing stories and looking for ways so that they can tell us again what they want when we have forgotten it.

I looked into her eyes, stroked her face and said:

-I know! Tomorrow will be in your hands.

Oh my God! I couldn't remember what I wanted as a gift. Maybe it's a ring or a necklace; No, I probably would have remembered the price to pay in jewelry. How do I get a clue of what she wants?

I don't know if you have any idea of ​​the things a woman asks for on Valentine's Day. They mostly settle for dinner, a box of chocolates, a dress, a ring or a necklace. That is the most common!
It never crossed my mind that he was serious when, a few days before, he had told me what he wanted.

Have any of you given anything other than "normal"?

A puppy! I have also seen that it can be given away; That is something sweet.

But no. She just wanted something else, as if it were a gift from Santa Claus.
The photos will show what he wants on Valentine's Day.

The happiness on his face was evident. A bible wanted to go around and do some exercise at the same time. We are Venezuelans, and we always seek to move by car because in our country it is always summer. Here in Chile, which is where we live now, gasoline is very expensive, and people travel a lot by bicycle or just walk.

When living in a town, everything is close and the landscape is always beautiful. It is worth riding a bicycle when the afternoon falls and do some exercise to maintain good health.

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A hug from a Venezuelan in Chile.
All photos are my property unless otherwise indicated

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Sometimes the smallest details are the ones that mean the most. Beautiful story, fun and funny, as well as sweet. I loved it. A hug for you, my super friend @oneray

Gracias. Se hace lo que se puede :)

Los detalles marcan la diferencia y la complacencia para el ser amado, te hace especial.

Es un trabajo que se debe hacer a diario :) Cultivar este habito, ha sido mi mejor aliado

What a wonderful surprise on Valentine's eve

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I appreciate it

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