Wingless Bird...

in GEMS3 years ago


Once upon a time,
A little one existed
Who wanted wings like the eagle
And strength like the jungle's king
Her determination soared high
And reached heaven
The sun recognized her shine
She wanted to be partners with the moon and stars
So, she arose and faced it all -
The odds and the cliffs
The disagreement and discouragement

On several attempts to leap higher, she falls,
Confidence begins to dip
Hope starts to diminish
And her burdens started to add up
She has forgotten
The passion and vigour of the beginning
She wished for wings -
Wings for flight and body to soar

She has forgotten,
That all she needs is herself
All she needs is to embrace her lost soul
To have faith -
To break free from regrets
And let go of the worries

Someone, please remind her
That she is a wingless bird
The ruler of her destiny
Someone, please remind her
That she is the wingless bird
That will soar exceedingly high and reach her goals

A gentle reminder to you who reads this;
You are the Wingless Bird
You have no limits, act like it.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


nice lyrics dear.


Behind of this picture is a great story


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