Stay At It.

in GEMS3 years ago


What do you do when life kicks you down?
Life is no respecter of persons or your background
We learn everyday just as we go through life
What do you do when pushed to the corner?
When life deals a heavy blow to your head
Losing all strength to go on living your life
Are you going to stand and fight
Or are you going to sit in a corner and weep
I understand one thing about life and that is
Life paves way for those who are prepared and those who push harder
Life also responds to pressure
It all depends on the amount you are applying
Show that you want it enough never to give up
Show that a speed bump is just a temporary stop
Show that your background should never keep your back on the ground
Because if you can look up, you can get up
Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy they say
Show me a man who never gives up
I will write you a success story that would move the world
Let your failure provoke a desire to get it right inside you
Never become a secondary character in your life's story
Keep at it and you would attain the glory
I never said it would be easy
But I can tell you it would be worth it
Stay at it...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Hi @olawalium ,Life is difficult at times, but all of this helps us to have more determination and confidence in making decisions.
Happy day

Very well, my friend.

We all go through bad times in life. However, walking through life with the "victim's mentality" isn't right. The world was not setup for anyone to succeed. Life is not fair and will never be. So it's up to us to fight for want we want and need, instead of just complaining about them.

This is a beautiful comment. Thanks for this.

Life often seems difficult, cruel and even illogical but everything that we have to live is surmountable will only depend on us. No one else's.

Yes. It is our choice and choice alone.

if I will not give up to be a successful person, even though the obstacles and risks will not be a problem, because the key to success is that we start from difficult until later we become successful. Only stupid people don't want to go through difficult times to be successful, because every success needs courage.

Every success truly needs courage. I love this.

Good day, @olawalium!

If you may, I would like to invite you to join a relatively new community called Inspire People, where you may find and post inspiring and uplifting content. It's for everyone who wants to write or read inspirational stories. May the community feed the soul.

Please do visit if you are interested. We're currently recruiting members help build and join the community.

"Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring."

I will definitely have a look. Thank you.

Thank you for showing interest. It's still a relatively new community, so we're looking for users/friends who might want to join and help us build the community. 💚

Absolutely. No worries at all.

Thanks @olawalium, this is an inspirational post.A person will be able to learn all the directions from small to big after being born on earth from this post.

Yes, we keep learning.

Hello @olawalium, have faith and prepare to face adversities, which apparently a life if they are something very rare.

Faith gets us through anything.

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