
in GEMS3 years ago

heartsickness-lover-s-grief-lovesickness-coupe-50592 (2).jpeg

This lamp is fading but no pressure is adding up,
the more it burns low, the more my heart glows
because all I need right now is to be myself,
flow with the vibes and
peacefully hide when I'm not needed.

This thing we share is falling apart,
but it doesn't bother me.
I love it just the way it's happening,
and I can see myself smiling,
grinning and laughing out loud.
Is it really worth the worries?

Our theories don't fit,
our stories ain't the same
and no one is ready to fit in,
so the lamp is burning out,
running out of its oil.
My heart doesn't have to boil again.

I'll sincerely watch it fade away without rescue,
as much as I would have loved to preserve it,
I am not willing to single-handedly raise it.
I want us to grow together,
but God knows where your heart is.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


In a real sense, love fades every human being!

Absolutely, especially unrequited love.

I want us to grow together,
but God knows where your heart is.

I like this two lines very much.

Thank you 😉😊

While a lamp is running out of oil, we should fill it with oil again.While a relation is getting fade, we should colour it with more love and care.

This is beautiful.

You compare a lamp with heart and oil with love. That's really make this poem great. Enjoyed it very much.Thank you.

Thank you.

It seems that i have seen this photo on your other post. It was really an amazing poem. Thank you.

Yes. Used the picture again.

If we love each other then the relation will never being fade. But if it is one sided love the it will fade.


Love become fade over time! We are very changeable. Your poem is very realistic. Thank you.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks

As much as we do not want to worry, something always arises that makes us restless , it seems something that is born with us

It's our human nature.

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