Baby's Laughter.

in GEMS4 years ago


Like the tingling bell
melting the ice and placing a crown of a smile
on frowned faces
so is a baby's laughter

Like the December carols
sending sensations of celebration
setting the candles of cheer aglow
and waging wars against tears
so is the laugher of a baby

Like the harmonious melody
sung by the symphonic band of a choir
pleasing the ears and healing the soul
so is a baby's laughter

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order


The best time I used to like if when a baby is sleeping and smiling. I do believe that they are seeing something funny or perhaps, Angels are singing for them.

The ultimate in life is happiness and smiles/laughter are the symbols of happiness.

Thank you for this nice poem.

Wow. We have that in common. I love watching them smile while sleeping and I was curious too to know why. I felt they were communicating with God and the angels were making them smile. It's a priceless moment to behold.

Believe me, it is the most beautiful voice that their angelic laughs can make you happy, even if you are in the most unfortunate circumstances.

Very true. I find myself tired sometimes and when she smiles, my heart leap for joy. I always look forward to catching a glimpse of that smile and laughter.

nnocence They are like angels home that have a bebe It's a blessed house

Thank you. 😊😊

It's the most perfect thing created by the god !

God is awesome. He made, formed and gave us purpose. Every little thing matters.

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