
in GEMS3 years ago


Right now,
As I sit in front of you
Only my body is here
My mind has taken a needed tour of my fantasy.

In my mind, I have gone to Canada
And has seen the ancient city of Quebec
I have toured its old walls
That protected the city
And marvelled at how much history it has built over the years.

In my mind, I have been to England
and I have seen the Queen and her palace
I was welcomed warmly by her
My ancestors helped her while they were here.

Oh! I even visited Egypt
I saw the archaic tomb
And its architecture of all the Pharaohs that existed
I saw the golds and the statues
They were so beautiful
And very shining or maybe my mind polished them too much

In my mind, I went to the Island of Crete
And saw the for Prefectures:
Heraklion, Chania, Rethymno and Lassithi
And they looked prettier than the pictures
I made a tour around the Knossos palace
And a glance of the Spinalonga islet

I was about to visit more places
Before I got jolted back to reality -
My country and my state
Where life is nothing close to these places in my fantasy

There is no crime to dreaming big haha. Have you ever travelled in your head? Even to places you have only seen in pictures and imagined yourself living it? Let me know about the places you've gone in your head.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


La imaginación es un don que tenemos los humanos gracias al Creador.Y aun cuando alguien este encarcelado, los barrotes no son impedimento para viajar imaginariamente, y mejor aun para comunicarse con Dios.Gracias, Dios le bendiga.

Gracias, amigo.

Imagination seperates human from other species. Every manmade object is created at least twice- first in our imagination and then the real world. I imagine like any other human, but it is usually narrowed to certain subject matters like new efficient ways of performing old tasks, possible solutions to my life problems, and many others.

That's a good imagination, I must say.

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