in GEMS4 years ago


Today i spent most of my productive hours trying to create a responsive webpage and I glad to say i was able to achieve just that. Here take a look:

it's not much but I felt proud of my self. For the past two months, I have been learning different things but I haven't built anything tangible and it can be very frustrating. I was stuck in tutorial hell for too long. At some point during my journey, I was going to try to build a website with python using Django framework but it turned out to be a rabbit hole leading into things i have little knowledge on like javascript and SQL. Then i know only a bit of python, CSS, and HTML.

Two weeks ago i decided to follow a proper learning programme. It is difficult as one has to source for material and there are a ton of them on youtube and some other paid sites. I was going to explore sites like udemy and skillshare but found an overwhelming amount of free materials on youtube. So my advise to anyone trying to learn would be to explore the free option before the paid courses.

I went through basic HTML and CSS tutorials whilst i was consolidating my knowledge on python--i love python by the way. I was able to finish those courses i downloaded on youtube in two days which were introductions into basic HTML and CSS. I also came across the freecodecamp website and their course outline which is quite detailed. It has structured my learning pattern. Now i know what to learn and at the end of every course, I get to work on my project which is cool.

Yesterday i started my first project which was to build a tribute webpage. Well, it turned out horrible. I actually didn't know what i was doing once i got past the HTML part of the project. This led me to search for a video tutorial, which i consider the best form of learning for me. I went through the responsive website tutorial and one on creating menu bars. I was able to create the webpage which you can view from the link above.

Like i said earlier, this might not be significant in the grand scheme of thing but i do appreciate the progress. Two months ago i could not create a line of code but today i can read code syntax and make meaning of them--well the basic stuff.

Tomorrow i will be working on the concluding part of the responsive website class and practise some more. Part of the projects i have to work on this month is building my own profile page/website. So i am excited about building something for myself. Cheers


Well done. The hardest thing is to start! Now when you have the base you can build on it. Good luck with that

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