What you need to know About Long Distance Relationships!

in GEMS4 years ago

Long distance amorous relationships are some of the most tenuous and difficult to maintain of all human relationships. Many shun the idea from the very beginning because of the notoriously low success rate. But for those who take this path the rewards can be amazing. So, what dooms most long-distance relationships?

Humans by nature are social animals. Humans by and large respond to human touch and the need for intimate companionship seems to go to the very core of what our species is about. On a cerebral level trust is also an inextricable component to any successful relationship. Both of these notions can be severely tested across the miles.

Some cannot get past the need to embrace the one they love. Sweet phone calls, emails, chats and gifts can’t wipe away the need to consummate their relationship in a physical way. Even if one of this pair can it is even more difficult to find two individuals who can. The power of human touch is known to us from the time we are children. A father’s hug, a mother’s kiss, what could be more basic and necessary? So, it should come as no surprise that as adults we crave a continuation of such attention. Long distance relationships are largely devoid of such expressions. Occasional visits for many are not the lifesaving salve their relationships need. Therefore, it should not be surprising many relationships end because new relationships are formed with other individuals who are physically nearby.

Trust is also a key component that must exist. Most couples consider themselves monogamous. A sense of ownership and possession are present in most amorous relationships and many friend relationships. We live in a time and space that allows for open relationships, “thrupples” and other polyamorous relationships but most humans still opt for the more traditional notion of pair bonding. That said how does one maintain trust when 100 percent of the time your lover is out of your sight? How can trust be developed and nurtured across a chasm of distance? This is perhaps the most problematic part of such relationships.

With a rise in online love stories such long distance relationships become more and more common and more and more talked about. From personal experience I would advise most not to attempt it. It is not for the soft hearted. You will struggle to understand why a call doesn’t come when you were expecting or needing it. You will struggle with tone in chats and texts. You will misinterpret a simple jest to the point of possible fracture. You will be drawn to judge your lover’s behavior by standards you have safely nestled in your psyche that have never expressed.

But if you are diligent and patient you may learn to explode with excitement by the surprise call. You may be overjoyed to receive a surprise letter or package in the mail. You may find the sweetness of a voice without a body more precious that sugar. In the end it will require two adults who never lose sight of the unique individual they first fell in love with to carry on and work hard to build lifelong bonds. But that could be said of any amorous relationship.

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