“The dream” - Original story®steemCreated with Sketch.

in GEMS4 years ago


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It is very early in the morning when Mrs Katerina reaches the subway, tired and pale ...

Her tired face and the swollen eyes are reflected on the glass of the illuminated wagon as she straddles in the crowd ...

A little while later, she finds an empty seat and sits fast, at least resting her feet a little before she goes back to work ...

The train starts and her sad empty look is lost...somewhere out of the window...and resembles the images of last night's dream that feels so alive in the underground labyrinth.

Her only child, her son, Konstantinos, is walking around in dark and unknown places. The air blows violently and it is onstantly raining, while he...naked and barefoot is looking for a place to hide, to be protected....while five black wild dogs are hunting him with their mouths wide open ready to rip him apart ”...

She stands on the roof of a multi-store building watching the scene, and desperately screaming for help ... but no one can hear her. Suddenly her voice does not sound anymore, and she remembers her frozen body standing still, like someone keeps her tight ... and him... alone...fighting with the beasts” ...

Frightened and sweaty she tossed from the bed and went to the kitchen. Her hands flickered and drank a glass of water trying to get out of the nightmare by taking deep breaths...

-“What happened to him”? she wondered while she sat next to the fireplace covered with a woolen blanket...

The female voice sounds loudly from the speakerphone on the subway, announcing the name of the next station, her destination...She comes off the wagon and squeezes herself between the rushing crowd of people who, like robots, on the "fast forward", were running to catch up....their lives. And so, without realizing it, she was turning into a gear of this machine called ... living in the city ...

With fast steps, she is heading towards the electric stairs and after a few moments she is out. On the highway of Athens. Now she can see the light of the day again and breathe freely...A few more meters and she is there ... almost on time!

She crosses the two big doors of the supermarket, and after using her card, she takes the stairs, up to the second floor, in the staff room. She quickly takes off her blouse and wears her blue apron with her card on the side, which carries the name "Katerina Papadopoulos" She grabs her cell phone and quickly dials her son's number, and it’s almost like a torture while waiting to hear his voice ...

-“Good morning mother! Is everything ok? You never call me so early

-Good morning, my son, do not worry. I just wanted to hear you a little. I missed you. I'm just starting work and your voice is all I have. It gives me courage...Tell me, are you all right?

-“Yes. I am fine. Do not worry. I can manage things well now that I have a job”....he responded

-Thank God!...she replied and she was already feeling relieved....

-“I want you to take care of yourself mother, and not to worry about me OK? But...is everything OK? I feel something different in your voice”...

-Yes! Everything is OK she replied with a loud voice that left no room for doubts.

-“Then I'm glad! But I have to hung up. The phone is constantly ringing here at the office and I must answer. I love you very much. Bye”!

-And I love you too my sweet boy. We'll talk again soon. Bye!

A tear ran out of her eyes as she hanged the phone ...

-If only you knew how much I miss you ....she’s thinking.

Her son is in Canada...where things are a lot better than it is here because of the financial crisis...
Her child is well, he is healthy, found a good job...and that's all she cares about.

Her pulses return slowly to balance. He's there a year now and she misses him a lot. Her son made a fresh start in Canada and she must now live with the idea of ​​spending the rest of his life there....
This is an Original story written by me

Thanks for stopping by
Until next time...

Cheers @mindtrap


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