Nourished and healthy hair, skin and nails with Biotin.

in GEMS4 years ago

About four years ago, I went through hard times in my life, I separated from my partner, that caused me a strong depression, I felt the ugliest woman on the planet.
At that stage he was looking for a physical change, I started with my hair, I lived cutting it, I believed that through the hair cut it would close, that cycle and perhaps it would have a better appearance, which was not the case .

The truth dear friends, that I decided to look for information so that my hair began to grow faster since I did not feel comfortable with my look hehehehee! So I attended the consultation of a naturopathic doctor who recommended the use of a vitamin that is quite beneficial for hair, skin and nails.


the name of this vitamin supplement, comes from the word bios that means life, it is also called vitamin H, vitamin B7 and vitamin B8.

Biotin is found in small amounts in various foods such as eggs, milk, or bananas.
blue fish contains an abundant source of biotin, (tuna, salmon, sardines).


Currently, the use of biotin has been promoted for the health of hair, skin and nails. More and more people in the world are taking high doses of biotin in order to take advantage of its benefits and it is a vitamin that has not been shown to cause any type of damage to the body.

We must bear in mind that the hair is very delicate to the nutritional state of the whole body, so that a low level of vitamins or minerals results in weak hair, fragile nails and aged skin.

It is recommended to consume up to 5000mcg / day. To begin to notice good effects, it must take a minimum of 3 months to 6 months. It all depends on the conditions of each person in which each person is.

Biotin is taken in oral formulas, but also in shampoo and serum.


This supplement is excellent, it contains biotin, I have used it and after three months of use I noticed that my hair grew a lot and it also had enough volume.

this supplement is excellent contains biotin, collagen ..


This supplement is excellent and is commercial, here in Venezuela you can find it in pharmacies and health food stores. In fact, yesterday I asked and the price is 5 $ relatively cheap.



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