Waiting For The Pandemic To End

in GEMS4 years ago

Looking at the current situation of the world, I realized that there is so much to be grateful for in this beautiful world.

We humans have a tendency to take things for granted. Hmm.. forget about things, we have taken life itself for granted. Many of us don’t even realize that “one” breathe is more precious than a thousand dollars.

And, this entire life, we have been living just for earning money as if there is no life beyond it. But, now in this pandemic we have realized that living is more important than earning. Living life doesn’t mean just to breathe. I remember a quote by Benjamin Franklin, “Many people die at the age of 25 and aren’t buried until 75”. This quote says a lot about how many of us have been living life so far.

And, now this pandemic has made us realize what it takes to be alive and have a so called “life”.

During this situation I was just dreaming about how it would be if I was on the moon and waiting for this pandemic to end. Sounds interesting, no? I would probably just roam around in space and think about life after pandemic. Will people change after all this ends? Or will they forget after sometime? Will people be grateful or will they take their lives for granted again like before?

Hmm with this thought, here is a simple pen art. Hope you like it. And do comment what you think about all this.

Stay safe. Stay home ♥️






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