Things I have to do today, and how to blow bubbles safely. (No monkeys involved). Written 2 days ago.. lol

in GEMS4 years ago



Things that I will do today:

...decant my now finished mango wine, and test it to check the alcohol content.
This is purely for research purposes, you understand.

'Decant' sounds very posh doesn't it?

Let me rephrase it for the proles.

' I'll empty my gallon plastic container by siphoning it out into smaller plastic containers, leaving as much sediment behind as possible.'


I'll also need check for the amount of 'particles' in it, because fruit wines take forever to clear naturally.
Like, as in months.
My wines never last that long.

My first batch of tomato wine has already been fully imbibed.. (that happened a while back, tbh).
It was very similar to a dry white wine - and made for excellent drinking (it really gives your dishes some extra 'body' when using in cooking).

But, back to the testing of my mango wine....

If there are too many particles in the wine, it can give you shits (and a hangover).
That being said, my tomato wine was fine in this regard, and I never suffered either.
(it's not toxic to your body as such - it's just a tad unpleasant).

Oh,'s random diagram I made for you - on how to construct your own airlock, (if you refuse to pay 20 or 30x the price of what you need to, to get a job done...)


Where was I?
Oh yeah...getting drunk for research...
...So, due to this 'unknown', (it has to be drunk, to test), I insist on sampling it during the daylight hours, so as to avoid any unsightly accidents appearing on the sheets in the morning.

This means any posts today - after this one- may (or may not), be influenced by my own alcoholic beverage, and testing there of.

I also have a really cool music/social commentary/political video currently in the production, so not sure if I'll post that today or not...

Considering the production element is virtually at stage 1 out of 20 stages - I can't promise anything.
I love doing videos , but they're very time consuming.

Now (In my expert opinion), one bottle is the absolute minimum amount of wine required to drink - so as to gauge the alcohol levels - and to find any downsides in regards to any 'emergency toilet requirements'.

So... doing the vid under the influence of a bottle of mango wine...? finished video may be a case of 'a bridge too far'...

We'll see.

Oh, and I might also be writing more of my 'Spit roast' diaries...
And my take on steem so far. (that's an interesting one...)


My enthusiasm for how much I hope to get done in any one day, is rarely based in reality...

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