Star Wars Episode - The Hut of Obi Wan Kenobi inside Marsoom Planet

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

Sometimes i wonder, IF movies like Star Wars were telling the Path of this Futuristic planet or they were just preparing this society for the upcoming Future of our vast Cosmos ... so, most of the people would not get a shock when those things will happen' :-)

Maybe what we consider to be as Future, actually or better to say, essentially, represents an eternal "Return" cycle ... while Time is relative, maybe, and the loop is Infinite :-)


The illusion of moving forward, actually, means returning through these Eternal Portals of Time travelling ...

Maybe this represents, that "sacred chance" for every Soul within'the Infinite Universe ... or maybe "Multiverses" ... ? :-)

So, dear people of this Encrypted Multiverse ...

Our story starts on Marsoom Planet ...

You can see the colour of the Earth ... with that red desert patina and the magical dawn ...


What a sublime place to be ... The Hut of Obi Wan Kenobi ...

Perfect days together with his friends: Luke Skywalker, Tusken Raider and R2-D2 ...


Everyday inside of this sublime Desert from the Marsoom Planet is passing without realizing the fundamental process of what we would cal on Earth ... Time ...

Inside this spectrum there is no Time to waste ...

While Tusken Raider is always guarding their awesome and futuristic hut, they are enjoying cooking a seaweed soup ...

In such an environment on which during the day, the temperature can surpass 45 degrees in fahrenheit terms, you can observe, even the weapon of Tusken Raider is shinning under Light of the Sun ... therefore, on such an environment, you do need to consume a lot of soups and drink lots of green tea with mint ...

As we all know the Tusken Raider is descendant from Moroccan area of Marsoom, therefore he knows how to make the famous moroccan green tea with mint :-)


Luke Skywalker is preparing the seaweed soup as well ... and ... i know ... you would ask, where do they get the seaweeds?

Here's the answer ...

Even if they are living inside the North part of the Marsoomian Desert, they can reach the sea of this planet in a few minutes ... at just 33 kilometres from their Hut.

Never to forget ...

Marsoom is a planet with water inside of it :-)

Now, back to cooking!!! :-)

Skywalker is always cooking a fine seaweed soup :-)


While they were returning inside the Hut to serve their awesome and delicious soup, guess what???


Jedi Yoda arrived ... right on Time! He never miss a proper organic and delicious meal.


He greated them, and R2-D2 announced Obi Wan Kenobi that Jedi Yoda arrived and will serve the dinner with them.

Everyone was happy ...

For a peaceful day, without attacks from strangers from other dimensions that are not so pure and with well intentions, this was a perfect Day ...

AND, even if someone would try weird things to do ... this awesome team ... believe me ... will solve the case right away :-)

Enjoy your day people of Marsoom Planet ...

As a short retrospective, here's my artistic colage of photos of this wonderful episode :-)


Regards dear people of #lego planet

Meanwhile, enjoy some of my music ... i guess some soundtracks would fit to this episode ...

Maybe an album, like this one:

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