It’s Strawberry Time! :)

in GEMS4 years ago

Hi there, my healthy eating Friends!

It’s Strawberry Time (german=Erdbeere...Earthberry;)
in Germany and “Karl” from “Karls Erdbeerhof” got
the nicest ones.


Every year for strawberry season you see the strawberry
booths from Karl invading Berlin and making their
main business probably. They take 4,80 € for 0,5 kg
meanwhile, last year it was 3,90 € I think.


Whatever, I had to get me 1 kg, because you should always
eat what Mother Earth provides for you the closest.


“Karl”/“Karls Erdbeerhof” is located a little outside of Berlin,
including an amusement park, that I checked out last year
together with the kids from one of my friends.



So strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese
and also contain folate (vitamin B9) and potassium.
They are super rich in antioxidants which is excellent for cell regeneration.


So, let’s eat them raw & fresh! Yummy!

Let your food be your medicine, let your medicine be your food.
Overstand ;)?
This week or latest on fruitsandveggiesmonday I will show a
dessert with strawberries, also very healthy , low/no sugar
and nutrient rich.
Until’ then enjoy the rest of your week and remember:
You are what you eat.

Ciao ciao



The look wonderful indeed

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