Designing a Circular Skirt by @lisbetseijas

in GEMS4 years ago
Greetings friends of this great community, today I want to share with you the design of a skirt for my daughter, I confess that I am not a seamstress, I was motivated to research on the web and be able to fulfill my daughter's desire for the skirt. and take advantage of taking it out and do the steps. I am very happy that I managed to fulfill my daughter.


Here I show you how to make the circular skirt

divisor web-lisbethnuevo.png

The materials to use

• Flannel fabric
• Centimeter

Here I show you how I first made a pattern for the guide


The skirt length is obtained by measuring from the waist to where you want the skirt, you must use the centimeter to obtain the exact measurement. The waist is measured the same with the centimeter, but to place it on the fabric, you use the following formula waist measurement / 6-1.

Here is the result of the circular skirt


Final score


divisor web-lisbethnuevo.png

Photographs taken with my Benq AC100 camera.

Thanks for reading me



Great display of creativity

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