Anonymous Chronicle I: "An Unknown Voice" • Original Writing

in GEMS3 years ago


Saturday, a day when children clamor for a family outing to a park or shopping mall to enjoy a delicious ice cream and distract their minds from a week of demanding homework and studying at school.


Sergio and Michelle are a young couple who work hard to maintain a lifestyle above the popular average. He distributes food, loves boxing and jug beer, and she is a pediatrician who likes music and red wine. They have a cute 9-year-old daughter named Melanie: adorable and smart.

That afternoon they grabbed their jackets and went for a walk along the beach to watch the sunset, and when night fell Melanie insisted on going to that ice cream parlor in the big mall where they put that multicolored top she likes so much.


The parking lot was full of vehicles and Sergio tells his girls:

"Darlings, memorize the place, it's H12. There are a lot of people today as far as I can see."

And they headed towards the food fair: FOR ICE CREAM!

After about an hour, the physical exhaustion sets in and they decide to return home to take shelter and watch some television with the family. And Sergio says already in the parking lot:

"Melanie, I hope you remember where we parked the car, because mom and dad have forgotten."

Melanie, with a look of certainty and a tender gesture of mischief replies:

"Yes Dad, it's H12, I remember it well."


When he arrived at H12 the vehicle was not there, Sergio, quite puzzled, insisted trying to remember if it was somewhere else and walked around, but in vain, the vehicle had been stolen from the mall.

It became atypical that Saturday, Sergio thought, as he returned home with his family in a cab. Looking for alternatives to report what had happened to the authorities, he was just waiting to get home to expedite the relevant procedures.

But upon entering his house, Sergio received a call from an unknown number, and enraged by everything that was happening, he answered in a slightly raised tone:

"Who is speaking there?".


A female voice answers:

"Listen well my friend Sergio, I have your truck. I just borrowed it, but I promise to return it tomorrow. Wait for my call again, and please do not report what happened, I really want to return what belongs to you.

Up to this point of that Saturday, which looked to be a quiet day of family enjoyment, turned into a cauldron that began to burn.

Thousands of ideas crossed Sergio's mind, none of them with a peaceful trace.
Michelle's voice and little Melanie trying to calm him down, advising him to wait until tomorrow to act, just as that unknown voice had told him.

Sergio, experiencing an abnormal tachycardia and anxiety, opens the fridge to take out a beer, lights a cigarette and on his way to the balcony says in a low voice:



"I'll do it for you guys."

"Tomorrow will be another day."




To be continued...




Anonymous Chronicle I: "An Unknown Voice"
Original Writing

These writings could be based on real life events, and in case they are, I would change the names of the characters as a way of protection and protection.

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