How to realize decentralization of Osasion public chain

in GEMS3 years ago

The in-depth questions raised by the community partners a few days ago were very interesting and triggered a lot of thinking. Now the community has sorted out the replies so that everyone can learn and discuss together.

The topic of decentralization is actually very easy to understand, and popular science can be Googled by itself. To understand the decentralization of Osasion, we first need to clarify the theme of the problem. Is Osasion’s decentralization trustworthy? Still want to know the implementation path of Ousai's decentralization?

To determine the centralization or centralization trend of the project, in addition to related indicators such as node distribution, community governance, and technical friendliness, it is also possible to clearly distinguish whether the project is centralized or not through the token mechanism. That is the distribution of tokens, the most intuitive and concise , And this is also divided into congenital and acquired.

The innate is that the project design is originally centralized, centralized operation and centralized development team, standard company financing token distribution mechanism, seed round, community round and other rounds. Here refers to decentralization, more refers to The thing is that you, as a user, can use their products without barriers. That's all about the open and transparent information on the chain. This is true for most projects on the market. The day after tomorrow means that the project was designed based on decentralization at the beginning, but in the market game, some people rely on technology and knowledge, some people rely on capital, and a large number of them have obtained the corresponding proportion of the project by paying for the cost of limited resources or by community groups. The number of currency holdings, forming the right to speak and dominate, gradually has a tendency of partial centralization.

What needs to be clear is that decentralization must correspond to centralization. In the blockchain industry, more points are the acquisition threshold and monopoly of tokens. Therefore, looking at the project progress objectively will make it more convenient for node users to understand. The answer is naturally that Osasion is a decentralized public chain project, because the economic model design and MPOS consensus algorithm have already limited it, and it will be developed in the future. , To prevent the formation of its centralization.

As to whether Osasion is decentralized, the answer is yes. However, in the future, relatively distributed decentralization can also be ensured. This is what Osasion Ousai node needs to pay attention to. How Osasion Ousai public chain realizes decentralization, now I propose the following points for discussion, we can discuss together.

Osasion general term formula and number list

First of all, about Osasion’s general formula and number list, all node users should already have it. Judging from the published general term formula and number list, the amount of AUC produced by each node at different times and blocks is clear at a glance. In the end, the total number of AUC mines can be obtained, which is 137436181 mines produced by 25 million node activation, which is the total issuance of AUC. The disclosure of this information does not come from a certain institution or a certain node, but a verification formula spontaneously made by the community technical reserve to check the authenticity and validity of the data at any time.

100 super nodes and 300 block synchronization nodes

Secondly, does the design of 100 super nodes and 300 block synchronization nodes mean that there will be a centralization trend in the future? With the enhancement of node consensus promotion, when the number of node columns crosses 1000 columns, you will find that the era of obtaining an AUC is so memorable. It is precisely because of this concept of hiding currency for the people that it is difficult to obtain a large amount of tokens in subsequent transactions in the secondary market or over-the-counter OTC, whether it is capital or institutions. At present, the amount of AUC produced reaches 3,560,78.28,786,618, which only accounts for 2.61% of the total amount of produced, while the current amount of OTC or pledged flow only accounts for less than 30% of this 2.61%. Therefore, it is very difficult to achieve a dominant or centralized holding state in Osasion Europe.

Osasion's mining power and node governance power

In addition, pay attention to the mining power and node governance power in the current Osasion public chain project, and the node authority is delegated to a unified level. In other words, no matter where the price of the currency and the sequence goes up, the entry threshold for each node is 400U pledge (200U incentive mining pool, 200U consensus guarantee pool-AUC mining pool). Compared with the current mainstream public chain projects in the encryption market, the entry threshold of 400U is not a restrictive condition at all. This is not just a question of money, but most people in the market can only passively scan chips in the secondary market, that is, take orders. If we only talk about the understanding of decentralization and centralization from this point, at least Osasion has been practicing on the road to decentralization.

The major communities influence each other and restrict each other

Finally, as far as the current decentralized projects in the crypto market are concerned, there is only one project that can truly be called decentralized, and that is ETH. As far as the design of Osasion's 100 super nodes and 300 block synchronization nodes is concerned, if you look at it with a rigorous perspective, it is indeed easier to produce whether it means that these 400 will produce the relative centralization of the large-scale node community. Because of the growth and expansion of any community, when its influence is strong enough, this possibility is indeed true.

If the influence of the 400 communities grows up to be evenly matched, then each community will not be easily swayed if everyone is of equal strength. Conversely, if a certain consensus is supported by the majority of the community, it can also prove the success of Osasion. However, there is the possibility of mutual influence among distributed communities, that is, several relational communities of equal strength form gangs and restrict each other.

Compared with the control of EOS's 21 super nodes, it is impossible to form a so-called centralization. With reference to the BTC's Lightning Network, Bitmain and other major forces, as well as the major alliances of ETH, they have formed a mutually restrictive development. Therefore, the vision at the beginning of the design will gradually form an ideology as the project progresses and the community grows. Separation, so the decentralization of BTC only stays on the transparency of the issuance. Therefore, the realistic basis is that when the communities and individual nodes grow up enough to influence the trend of the project, there will be a trend of centralization. But also because it is a multi-point distributed organization, when everyone's power is equal, the possibility of an opposing party will increase. So strictly speaking, it is still decentralized, because all communities hope that the project will develop in a good direction and become a fundamental.

In Osasion's later governance, that is, when the community can initiate a contract, if it cannot obtain the approval of enough nodes, it will not be able to promote the implementation of any proposal. For example: 5000 is listed on the secondary market. If a community does not want to follow the design of the white paper and initiates a contract proposal in advance and wants to be listed on the secondary trading market in 3000, how do you choose as a node user? Some node users may choose to oppose it, because Osasion has enough users and a sufficiently high base price, so the currency price fluctuates little. The capital threshold is high, and the possibility of being a banker is low. But there are other node users who choose to agree. Therefore, as the initiator of the community proposal, you can speak out through multiple channels and call on more nodes to support your own ideas. And when the consensus acceptance rate of any party crosses the line, the natural project develops toward the wishes of the majority of people, which is also one of the key points of decentralization.

Strictly speaking, consensus nodes generate revenue, and the link is very short, that is, your own node is only related to your node. The difficulty for community growth and consensus maintenance will exceed most projects in the current crypto market, so it is not for the self-growth of the community. In terms of words. This does not constitute an interest chain. Only in the general direction of the Osasion Europe competition will it concern each of us. Because this is the business of all Osasion people, everyone is in action, this is the relationship between the puller and the rider, and each node user needs to weigh it by himself.

Of course, this is also one of the reasons why the community is difficult to do and does not do much. The core is that there is no shortcoming of centralized operation of the project party. But the data is certain. The only uncertainty is the distribution of nodes and the growth of the community. These uncertain factors are precisely the greatest charm of Osasion. There is no threshold, the strong go up and the weak go down, everyone has a chance.

Therefore, this also means that the community that is in today may not be in tomorrow, and the community that is small now may not be small in the future. This is a normal community ecology. But if every community stops preaching, Osasion's experimental exploration will end. There is no true or false here, but the failure and success are verified. The biggest charm of the blockchain lies in the decentralization, that is, the creation of an efficient and trustless environment. But its core is the data and verification protocol, so when the data is not transparent, how to talk about the blockchain revolution, since the authenticity and transparency of the data are so important, do you understand the data of Osasion?

Back to the original question: How does Osay realize decentralization? This time you will answer it.

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