Is this not the greatest Quote you have ever heard?

in GEMS3 years ago


Michael Saylor spitting straight fire yet again...

Michael Saylor delivered one of my favorite quotes of all time today and it's probably the easiest and most concise way to explain bitcoin to corporations as well.

Who doesn't love a great quote?

They are often inspirational or motivational or just plain thought provoking.

I have a whole list of ones I have really liked over the years but the one that Michael Saylor dropped today is quickly climbing that list.

He said this:

"As corporations adopt bitcoin as a treasury reserve asset on their balance sheets, they replace a non-performing asset with the best performing asset, choosing volatile appreciation over stable depreciation."


Let that sink in a moment...

By swapping cash for bitcoin on your corporate balance sheet, you are swapping a non-performing asset with literally the best performing asset over the last decade.

If that doesn't get you excited about adding bitcoin to your balance sheet, I don't know what will!



The crypto vision is real...

Saylor continues to make apparent where he things the puck is headed.

Reading another quote of his, it's hard not think it is similar to what was hopefully to be created on HIVE...

Communities built on HIVE?



While they are technically two very different ideas, the overall theme is the same.

Saylor also publicly thanked Elon Musk and TSLA for their Bitcoin investment and he put out a new bitcoin educational video/course educating the world on bitcoin.

The course can be accessed here:

This guy may single handily guarantee bitcoin hits $100k and beyond this year!

Stay informed my friends.

Image Source:




Love the conclusion Michael Saylor reaches. One just hopes they can stomach the volatility that will take place as supply of BTC shrinks.

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