100 Days of Steem Challenge - President for a day

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


If I were president for a day...

The first thing I would do is resign immediately as it's not a job I would want. :)

That being said, in order to play this challenge I will go along with it for the day...

The first thing I would do is make bitcoin our national currency.

Yes I know my country has an advantage having the dollar as the worlds reserve currency but I don't think that can last in a global economy in the long run.

We need something that everyone agrees to trade in, and people are getting less satisfied having that be the US dollar.

Plus I just like the idea of hard money vs. soft money.

I would also put in laws to require us to eat plant based food instead of all the beef we are consuming currently. With our technology, there is no reason we need to grow animals simply to slaughter them.

It's inhumane and inefficient and possibly not healthy.

We can use plant based foods and make them taste almost identical to meat based foods.

Plus I would also put out a timeline of having gas vehicles off the road by 2025.

We should be all electric or some other bio-fuel by then. No reason we should continue to guzzle gasoline.

It's expensive, comes from our enemies, and bad for our environment.

Those major changes would change a lot about our country.

Finally, I would cut spending for space exploration for 1 year while we get setup to feed our populations with these new plant based foods.

Initially there will be setup costs, but we should be able to do it cheaper in the long run as a soy plant costs a lot less than growing a cow does. Once we are set up and the world is fed using that money we can re-open the space based research but only after our people are fed.

There is no reason we should be spending $60 billion a year on space based research while there is so much of our country and planet starving to death.


I'm not sure about you @steemitblog @steemcurator01, but I think my first day would cause some waves. :)

Stay informed my friends.

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What about people who are allergic to soy (or oat, or wheat)...

What about people who want their plant-based food to taste like plants. Some of us are already vegetarians and vegans...

Pretty easy fix.

Explain ;)

They can eat something else. Simple as that.

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