100 Days of Steem Challenge - Guide

in GEMS4 years ago

A guide for a day in the time of pandemic

At this point there wouldn't be much traveling going on in my state.

Yes, the mandatory lock-downs have been removed but the number of new cases continues to climb.

Many people out there are acting like the virus and pandemic are over.

Well, science and math says it's actually getting worse where I am.

For that reason we will be spending our guided tour at my house.


(Source: https://www.columbian.com/news/2020/mar/07/as-virus-outbreaks-multiply-u-n-declines-to-declare-pandemic/)

First thing we will do is make a nice big omelette, with extra jalapenos.

We will eat that with a nice big glass of OJ.

Then after that will go hang out by the pool, get a nice morning swim in after our breakfast.

From there, we will shoot some hoops and maybe get a game of horse in with the kids.

Then it's lunch time and for lunch I am thinking a nice tasty BLT.

The tomatoes are fresh from our garden so it will be extra tasty.

After that will we probably watch the latest flick on Netflix as the afternoons are pretty hot in my neck of the woods.

Then after that we will take a stroll around the yard in the early evening and see if we can find any critters.

We tend to see lots of snakes, lizards, toads, rabbits, squirrels, prairie dogs etc etc etc.

Then in the evening we will get our our blacklight and go find some other critters...


(Source: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/543668986264215969/)

Of the scorpion variety.

That about sums up how we will spend our day at the Doc compound since the pandemic doesn't allow for us to safely travel around much.

Either way, I think we will find plenty of things to keep us entertained.

Stay informed my friends.



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