100 Days of Steem Challenge - 5 Things About My Country

in GEMS4 years ago

Steem Challenge - Five things about my country


(Source: https://time.com/5675803/america-flag-threat/)

Five things you like about your country

My country is the United States of America.

I like the food, the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms. I also like the freedom to pursue hobbies and recreational activities.

Five things you dislike about your country

I dislike how hard it is to launch your own company, all the red tape, the multi levels of government, all the licenses that are required for everything, and how we have such a divide between the rich and the poor.

Five things you would do to improve life in your country

I wish we could get rid of some of the licenses, like a fishing license for example. I wish we could get rid of some of the taxes. Better help our poor. This won't be popular but put a cap on the rich, I mean once you are a billionaire that seems like enough. Overall, distribute our wealth better.

Five things people from elsewhere misunderstand about your country

We are not all evil. We are not all cowboys. We are not all rugged westerners. We are not all white. We are not all only English speakers.

Five unusual facts about your country

We have a little over 300 million people, the majority of which live in 3 states. We have lots of natural wildlife but you need a license to do anything. We are a very diverse country. Most of our population came from somewhere else. We are relatively young compared to the rest of the world.

Stay informed my friends and @steemitblog @steemcurator01.



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