Steem Challenge - How much does your shopping cost

in GEMS4 years ago

This week's challenge is pretty easy for me.

I don't do a ton of shopping but when I do, it's only for the things I need.

I don't spend a ton of time browsing the magazines or Amazon or really any kind of shopping store whatsoever.

Instead, when I find I need something I go to google and find the cheapest way I can acquire said thing.

When I buy other things I find they just clutter up my house and collect dust, plus my bank account ends up being a lot more worse for the wear.



Anyways, this week my shopping will consist of groceries, which is quite common for me.

I always go to my local Frye's store when I buy groceries.

I used to go to Walmart when they did that price match guarantee thing but then they stopped that and I stopped going there. It wasn't worth the extra time it took to drive there if they weren't going to price match for me.

What will I get during this next grocery trip?

The essentials of course!

  • milk
  • eggs
  • bread
  • cereal
  • bananas
  • apples
  • orange juice
  • lunch meat
  • tv dinners
  • pasta
  • sauce
  • peanutes
  • takis

You like how I included takis in there?

All the young kids are eating them and for some reason I have grown to really enjoy them as well.

Like I said I won't do much shopping other than this for the week.

I don't buy much gasoline since the pandemic as I have been just staying home most of the time.

No reason to travel much.

Luckily for me I am able to save just a little bit more than I had be able to previously.

Not everyone has been so lucky.

What are your essentials at the grocery store @steemitblog and @steemcurator01?

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