Bitcoiners prepare to again be the smartest person in the room

in GEMS4 years ago

Bitcoin is finally ready to start going up again

It's been a rough 2 years but we are now entering a time period will bitcoin hodlers will once again be regarded as the smartest people in the room.

We endured the ridicule, the terrible returns, the pain of watching our net worth trickle away.

Now it's about to change again.

As of now there are very few bitcoins purchased still in the red:


Very shortly, there are going to be none purchased in the red.

Prepare to be regarded as the smartest person in the room again by your friends and your peers.

It's a fun feeling, enjoy it :)


I don't ever want to be the smartest person in the room. Just want to make money

Lol are you sure? Having been around you plenty of times it often seems that you tend to think you are...

It really is a great feeling. 😉 especially when its my first time actually making anything from Bitcoin.! I think the price will continue to rise for some time now 🤑 possibly doubling in value in the next few months .

How long have you been in it?

I first discovered Bitcoin back at the start when it was only worth $6 !! So quite a while but ive never really had enough spare cash to invest properly or i could have made loads by now. Tried to tell people to invest or mine but no one would listen.

I did make a few quid years ago when i got a Bitmain S5 miner and free electricity 😉 wish i had held onto that Bitcoin it would be worth a few grand now !

I hear you. Though I didn't buy any until it was about $1,000.

Yeah i really think its gonny go through the roof again soon...i think having any amount of crypto however small is a very good idea at this point especially the way the planet is going now.!

My plan is to build a solar powered mining farm 🤑🤑 Might have to do a post on that 😎

I was planning on building one of those a while back, but it's almost impossible to make a profit mining btc these days without joining a pool. Difficulty just keeps going up.

Ethereum is kicking ass too :)

Yes it most certainly is. When steem?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 56769.00
ETH 2325.34
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.36