Agriculture has many exciting processes before obtaining its fruits

in GEMS4 years ago
Good morning dear friends. Agriculture is a very exciting activity, it has many direct and indirect processes that intervene in the sowing results. You could say that it is a job away from monotony, and almost impossible to get bored.

Source: Family Album

A few days ago we were forced to knock down a beautiful tree that was attached to our property, the tree was actually from our neighbor, its growth was such that it endangered the integrity of the wall of party. A sad decision, but there was no other alternative.
Source: Family Album


A real shame, to be honest, I did not like to make this decision, although it was not in vain, its woods will be very useful, the larger branches I will use to build a cot , and the small ones we are going to burn them. Fresh wood ashes are used to make preparations based on "phosphorous", one of the three most important components to nourish the earth.
Source: Family Album

Source: Family Album

Garden work is not just about planting, watering and waiting for the fruits, there are many tasks in the middle that are indirectly related to them. The construction of this frame will be very convenient to enlarge the planting of vegetables that need support for their growth. This year we are going to plant many more varieties of beans and beans.
Source: Family Album

We will use the walls as a support, with the help of wires and branches we will build our cot, this will give us more meters of planting. We could have bought tacuara and saved a lot of time, however, we would not have used the wood that gently gave us the tree.
Source: Family Album

Source: Family Album

As you can read, there are many jobs that indirectly makes success in agriculture. Thank you very much for the support, and be encouraged to make your own garden, you will see that there is nothing monotonous about it and it is very satisfactory.


Agreed, planting your own stuff is very satisfying!!

Thank you very much dear friend @rynow for the great support you give me
I wish you a wonderful day

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