Sport will always be a great benefit

in GEMS3 years ago

Everyone wants to exercise, or almost everyone, because in general they know what are the benefits of doing sports for the mental body health, however, there are those who start with false expectations, they want quick results, and it is not always like that, in reality, it is never like that. Those sports celebrities have years doing what they do, with a practically exclusive dedication to sport and special care, using them as a reference, we could say that this is fine on the one hand, however, we must always be careful with the points of comparison.

We must be very clear that when starting a sport it will always require a lot of time and discipline to achieve good levels of development. And it is very likely that we will not reach professional levels, this does not mean that it is not worth doing, of course. But we should not get frustrated when doing exercises and not reaching certain levels.



Another aspect to highlight is that the age at which we start exercising has a great impact, a young adult of 25 years old has more possibilities to develop certain abilities, skills and resistance than an adult of more than 35 or 40 years old, not that it is an age at which you are old, but I can affirm that it is very difficult to reach those levels of an athlete of 20 years old, I must assume that you will agree with me in this affirmation.

Aspects such as "base diseases" or harmful habits (cigarette and alcohol) can also be a big limitation in a proper evolution as athletes. Or poor nutrition, can be all these factors individually and even worse if they are all present in the same individual, a big problem to have the best disposition of the body.



Another thing to always keep in mind is the fact that we must comply with certain processes to develop properly, from minor to major, because demanding more than we should could lead us to physical injuries, which instead of helping us would limit us, and that is not the idea.

But beyond all this, we must keep in mind that regardless of when we start doing sports, it will always be of great benefit for our physical and mental health...


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