There's Always A Reason Behind it !! | AND That's what MATTERS !

in GEMS4 years ago
Any action that is taken by any human being is having a lot of reasons behind them and a number of factors are combined together in order to some of the end result which is the people doing. There was a lot in before getting that final result out of that but the thing is that people don't see that much the only thing that their interested about is the final outcome of the final result that was received.


Well let's get it with an example. Whenever we go to a wedding we do CA lot of people are chatting about some of the floors within the wedding within the management within the arrangement and about a lot of things regarding the food regarding the decoration whatever it is people do chartered about certain factors of Saturn floors a certain people are there who just love to find out the floors out of anywhere about any topic.

But but the thing that they don't realise is that the effort that went in while making that event even possible is very much used in some cases the parents of the people who are getting married to spend up a lot of their savings in order to make the event possible and win this kind of thoughts do come up to their years did you feel a lot broken because they give in a lot of efforts for even making that event possible and by using all of their Savings and their receiving such performance for such flaws.

This is just an example the same thing happens in a lot of fields whenever we do see someone doing anything we do see another group of people were talking about that person in a negative manner what taking out his laws were taking out his mistake and this kind of things.

But in reality what we should do is we should try to even imagine that what kind of effort that person have given by doing that particular task whatever work he or she is doing don't look it by your own perspective to gain knowledge about that particular thing that that person is doing by the prospective on that single person who is doing that job.

Only then you will get to know that the pain or the struggle that person has came across to do the work that is doing at this present moment and without visualising that if you comment you are surely going to hurt the sentiments of any person and will be enough to bring down that person from doing what your she was doing.


Bringing people down is really a very easy task but putting then a is a really very hard one and is the one to aim for. You never know that when in life you would require assistance of other people when you will require support from other people and then you will remember the type of Parliament passed on other people will also find certain people who will be commenting like that just you did another people in the situation of yours.

Thanks Everyone For Stopping by and spending some time on my works and I hope you liked it :)

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I am Alisha, a resident of India who loves to create and interact. I am known by @iamalisha in the blockchain world and in real life I do graviate towards creating videos, listening songs and hunt for ways to bring my dreams to reality. Please Drop below your valuable feedback and help me grow and march ahead :)


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