Steemit a market phenomenon that has revolutionized content platforms.

in GEMS4 years ago


Social media has changed people's lives. This intensification of participation, and also media exposure of people, has been praised as necessary in some cases to improve people's careers and in others to demonstrate their social skills.

And this increase in the way they interact has also led to a resizing not only social and media, but also economic, of the large corporations that are behind the main social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, to name just the main.

There are many more that have been incorporated trying to gain a small portion of that immense market.

And those that are not able to adapt to the tastes of the user pay a very expensive price and must abandon the contest. Although they are part of a giant media conglomerate. As was the case with Google+

The main social networks have exploited this enormous influx of users very well and have deployed a varied range of payment alternatives: from how to get more followers paying to offer their services in political campaigns in most of the world.

To make it simpler, Facebook assumed in a public statement that they do not sell personal data if they do not give the necessary information for the ads to reach private audiences, thus multiplying multimedia effectiveness. How it does this without selling our data is still unknown.

Twitter unlike Facebook they sell the tweets or rather a search engine that shows all the comments made on a particular topic.

Until now, these benefits have been devoid of direct monetary value to users who ultimately generate them and have created a gap that has been open for a long time.

Steemit has tried to change this by introducing a social platform where people can generate income by posting content and voting.

Steem's birth.

The Steemit social network is a quirky site somewhat similar to Reddit, which launched in June 2016. Reddit was designed to share content only, but this new service also provides a platform layout for sharing revenue with its users.

Steemit has built a Reddit-like platform with its own blockchain to allow users to be rewarded for alternative tokens like Steem Dollars and Steem Power just for voting.

The Blockchain social network itself is a website, which can be visited without having an account, or if you want to start getting rewarded, you should sign up.

Steemit works with its own capital, which it creates and distributes daily to its users. The good news is that this capital can be exchanged for real money.


Steem's coin.

Three types of currency circulate in Steemit:

Steem are units that are sold and bought in the market. They can be liquidated, just like Bitcoin or some shares.

Steem Power (known by its abbreviation SP) represent a long-term investment. It is a currency that you cannot sell until after two years. 50% of what you charge for your content will be paid in Steem Power. But beware: having them has a number of benefits. Among other things, your vote to select the best content will have more value.

Finally, Steem Dollars (known by their abbreviations SBD) are a currency that does not lose value. It is designed to provide stability and you can sell it at any time. If you create successful content, 50% of your benefits will be paid to you in Steem Dollars. In addition, by having Steem Dollars you can also earn 10% interest.

The Steemit social network.

Steem is based on the social network (similar to Reddit) in which users post content and then it is evaluated by other users. Steem is the cryptocurrency that serves as "money" for this system.

And like all sudden growth, at its apex, it has a crisis.

Starting in 2018, liquidity problems derived from a generalized crisis in the cryptocurrency market caused the yields of the content (that is, the publication or value of each post) to begin to fall abruptly.

This caused some concern in some "witnesses" of the platform not happy with the use that was being made of the blockmain and the concentration of income in a few hands.


The role of the Witnesses.

A team of Witnesses / Witnesses create blocks for the STEEM chain using very powerful computers that are scattered all over the world.

This routine of making blocks is done quickly and frequently. Because Steemit is a social network, there are a lot of pieces and bits to keep track of.

literally ablating: new blocks are created every 3 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. The blockchain (or blockchain) is a comprehensive and continuous continuity and insertion of posts, comments, votes and fund transfers.

Added to this was the unfortunate intervention of Justin Sun, owner of the TRON token, who uses the cryptocurrencies with the highest rise in the last 2 years, who in a sudden action and with the agreement of the two founding partners of
Steem seized the platform .

This gave rise to the fork in the platform on two different platforms on 03/20/2020: Steem's, which continued to operate under the same name, and the new one formed by dissident witnesses and a large part of the Hispanic community led by @cervantes, called HIVE.

In principle, HIVE, which we will talk about later, automatically transferred exactly the same number of tokens to its platform that each user had in STEEM.

The actions to develop.


When you publish a post, the community readers will have several options to make with your content as an interaction, as follows:

Upvote: symbolizes a “Like” or “Like” with which your content acquires value.

Flag: symbolizes a “Dislike” or “I don't like” which is generally used for content considered as Spam (fraud, plagiarism, hate speech, fake news, etc.) within the platform. Its use makes the content less valuable and less visible. (Its use is recommended exclusively for Spam content, its misuse lowers your reputation within the platform).

Reply: which is the option to comment on posts and reply to comments.

Resteem: the option to share by republishing the publications that we like.

Both publishing content, and evaluating the content of others, users can get profits. These coins they receive can be used both within the network itself, and by exchanging them on an exchange.

Steem is the new phenomenon in the world of cryptocurrencies. Still many wonder how their eponymous token could grow so quickly.

By commenting on a publication (post) of any user in the community, you also generate money, since the users of the community can also vote for your comments that add value to the topics you comment on and thus increase your profits within the platform.

The money is distributed as follows: 50% of the money goes to the authors of the content, 50% to the community that has voted for your posts. This is by default but the percentage can be changed.

Of the amount you have generated, 50% is produced in Steem Dollars, which can be exchanged for real money through exchanges.

The rest is produced in Steem Powers, so you can have influence on the network and be able to generate more money through comments on other content.

Payments are made to the user's wallet 7 days after the publication was created.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 62025.78
ETH 2417.09
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49