importance of twitter in social media marketing.

in GEMS4 years ago

everybody use twitter the average of 1 bilion of individual who have signed up about half are active user, twitter account of about 75 percent of all internet user the ste gamer just a single share all visits to social media sites.


twitter is visited less frquently by its members than are the stickier networks, namely facebook and youtube. twitter user minimal time on site could further the impreession that the newwork is an also ran impression would be mistaken.

twitter appeal is effictiency stripped down 140 character posts and messages siple keyword and hashtag driven searches and clean, scrolling activity feed can deliver a wealth of information in mionutes or even seconds.

twitter is part microblogging service part social network, it excels as a special interest news aggregation tool, trend spotting engine and a vechicle for finding following and connecting with like minded people.

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twitter is least reciprocal of social network unlike facebook or linkedin, where friends and connections communicate ono to one, twitter followers model encourages thousands and even millionsof users to subscribe to the post of the most influential voices in twitter community.
These are the best ways to leverage Twitter’s power:

  • Develop a publishing presence with an elevator pitch that makes it appealing to follow. If you can’t squeeze all your messaging into one clear theme, consider establishing multiple Twitter feeds. Dell Computer, for instance, maintains dozens of mission-specific handles, for Dell Outlet, Dell Home, small business, customer care, investor relations, corporate social responsibility, all its different multinationals, and of course the personal handle of founder Michael Dell.

  • Monitor the “Twitterverse” for brand mentions, and follow active Twitter users in your market. Following others is the best way to gain followers.

  • Retweet positive brand messages posted by your followers and brand loyalists.

  • Run occasional trend campaigns, where you encourage (or even incentivize) followers to retweet your message if they like or support it.

  • Customize your profile-page background.

  • Add Twitter logos and widgets to your site.

  • Amplify your message with Twitter advertising programs like Promoted Accounts, Promoted Tweets, and Promoted Trends.

Twitter, and it’s the best evidence that your message is resonating with its audience. Here are strategies to get more retweets and generate viral word of mouth:

  • Channel your inner People magazine editor. Compose Tweets that are catchy and compelling, including “top 10” lists, tips, bests and worsts, and so forth.

  • Tweet at the right time: day of the week and hour of the day are critical if you want attention. Your Tweets should appear onscreen when your followers are awake and most likely to be looking at their Twitter feed.

  • Don’t batch your tweets. Even if you write most of your posts in concentrated bursts, that’s not the way to publish them—a steady cadence is best.

  • Use popular, trending hashtags if they’re relevant to your market. And invent and promote your own hashtags.

  • Periodically update, revise, and repost your own Tweets. You may feel you’re repeating yourself, but 99% of your followers will miss your posts the first time around. That’s just the way Twitter rolls … er, scrolls.

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