Tip for a trip - Peloponnese fortress Acrocorinth

in GEMS4 years ago

Today it's about the Fortress Acrocorinth written in Greek Ακροκόρινθος, (Upper Corinth) which we have visited several times. In recent years you could visit the fortress ** without having to pay an entrance fee **.

Position Google Maps: Festungsanlage Acrocorinth

We always arrive one day before the visit and eat in one of the tavernas located below the fortress in the village of Korintos.

In the village of Korintos you can also find a archaeological site worth a visitist.
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth

Overnight stays always in our small campers, right in front of the entrance of the fortress. From there you have at night a fantastic view down to the valley and can see the lights to Corinth. There is dr ** famous channel ** which separates the Peloponnese from the mainland. The canal was built from 1881 to 1893. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanal_von_Korinth

The one before the resort but only out of season recommended. Between July and September you will not find room for your RV or camper.

To see the fortress it is absolutely necessary to wear sturdy shoes. Also, you should have a little fitness. Alone the steep climb to the entrance of the fortress is not easy. Also on the site itself, if you want to visit the ruins located farthest above you should be a bit sporty. Also, you should take something to drink. There are no possibilities to buy drinks or the like at the fortress. Toilets are below the fortress at a tavern but only in the main season has opened. The toilets are accessible all year round.

The view from the top of the fortress is very impressive **. It is really a commendable fortress which is certainly worth a visit. More details about the system can be seen in the bottom post which has been copied from Wikipedia.

To reach the fortification is easy to get on the highway from Patras or if you come from the mainland on the Corinth Canal.

Just below the ** fortress ** directly on the road you will find a cistern where you can fill up its water supplies. The water has drinking water quality.

Here Contribution from Wikipedia over the plant. All pictures are from me.

The fortification

Plan of the fortress

The Frankish tower on the west summit
The complex includes two peaks of the 575 m high rock massif. Between these spring small springs, which supplied the settlement with water. The relatively large area could be ideally defended by clever connection of the location advantages with the wall systems. There is practically only one access to the west of the fortress, which was fortified by a triple defensive wall with three strong gates. In front of the first gate is a deep, uneven ditch. The striking wall system with a total length of almost z wei km shows how the builders adapted to the natural nature of the mountain and have involved him in their defense.

In the north, east and south, steeply sloping boulders and rocky slopes protect the complex. Nevertheless, a coherent protective wall covers the entire settlement. In addition, there are additional walls in the west. In the northern part of the fortress wall there are three smaller gates that were probably used as dropout gates.

The oldest visible building is on the western and** highest peak**. Here stood the Temple of Aphrodite, in whose sanctuary many temple prostitutes were said to have worked. The still visible elements, however, come from a Byzantine chapel built on the foundations of the temple.

On the opposite summit is the ruin of a Frankish tower, which was later expanded and extended by the Venetians and the Ottomans. Inside the castle, especially at the foot of the western summit, there are numerous buildings from different eras. These include a Venetian church, Ottoman dwellings, fountains and small mosques as well as a Byzantine cistern.

Since the buildings and walls were often built with the help of the ancient stones of the ruins, it is sometimes difficult to assign these temporally.

To preserve the complex numerous sections of the wall and buildings were restored. The Peirene Fountain **, located between the peaks, was restored in 1930. In the years 1965 and 1966, the bridge over the moat and the guardhouse at the first gate were restored. In the 1970s, it focused on the preservation of the first two goals and the **wall sections **lying on it. Further measures, such as the replacement of the wooden bridge at the entrance, were carried out between 1993 and 1995.

Reference :
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akrokorinth ****

Video from Youtube fromP3P can see the fort built by a drone

The pictures were taken by me in 2017 when we made our annual Peloponnese circuit.

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