New sketch: Contagion

in GEMS4 years ago

Good morning Steemits,

I bring to you a new sketch I just made and I titled it contagion. I know when you saw the title you'll think I'm about to talk about the virus but No. Its smile/laughter on her face that I was referring to. Laughter is highly contagious. Therefore please ensure you smile and laugh a lot today. Not for you but for the person beside you. As you laugh, you spread it and good vibes are thusly spread.


  • HB pencil
  • Charcoal pencil
  • 10B pencil
  • Pelican paper
  • White pencil


Thank you for viewing my blog and remember to spread laughter today.


This is very beautiful. I love the charcoal you used on her hair.

Thanks for sharing your creative and inspirational post!

This post got curated by our fellow curator @hafizullah and you received a 100% upvote from our non-profit curation service!

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