New sketch: Come back to me (so I'd tell you how sorry I am).

in GEMS4 years ago


Hello everyone,

Good morning to you all. This morning i bring to you my recent drawing which i titled "Come back to me". The drawing shows a lady looking into a guys eyes and the guy's face came out of the stars. In the lady's face you could see the sadness in her eyes.

When I was in secondary school I transfered to a new school when I was in the second to the last class. When I got there it seems so hard to make a new friend because everyone has a friend already. Now coming into the circle will be like you wanting to spoil their friendship. This made me not to even try. But this guy walk up to me the very first day after I was introduced to the class, welcomed me and promise to be my friend. I was surprised and happy at the same time. Truly to his words, we were friends so much so that we buy foods together, we gist together, we walk home together(We were not neighbors infact our houses are very far from each other but we'll walk to a junction first before we take different cabs home.). Even most times I give him my heavy bag and collect his light bag whenever we were walking home together and he never for once complained. He was always smiling and very jovial.

But something was odd about him. He was very skinny, his eyes were green, wrist very tiny. Always carrying light bag even though we had lots of books and textbooks to carry. I wanted to ask him why but I never want to push him away so I didn't ask. Then one day, he didn't show up in school which was unlike him. A day turned into a week and yet he didn't show up. Even though I was supposed to call I didn't, telling myself I don't have his parent's phone number. But I was supposed to get it and call him but and I didn't.

That weekend, he called. I was very happy and guilty at the same time to hear his voice. On the phone he asked me why I never called telling me he had been sick and I apologized. Then he said some words that kept hitting my heart till this day, which are "I know that you don't understand". I kept asking, "understand what" but he never said anything about it till he cut the call. After the call I made up my mind I'll find a way to visit him on Monday. I'll ask someone in class to take me to his house.

Monday morning I woke up to read because its our test week. As I was reading I started having some strange scary feelings, breeze blowing, shadows passing through the curtains, curtains moving. Got so scared I left my books and went to prepare for school. When I got to school, on the assembly they gave an announcement. My friend had died.

In tears I centered the class fully shocked, I saw my classmates in tears saying he couldn't made it as he was Sickle celler. A sickler? Then it all started coming back to me. The skinny body, the eyes, the lightweight bags. I just left the class and went home. Everyone in class had knew about his condition except me. I made him carry my heavy bags everyday. He was sick yet never showed it. Always making me laugh and happy. I could have treated him better, now its all too late were my thoughts. The guilt was so much I never forgave myself till this day. I wish I could get a chance to see him and tell him how sorry I was and ask why he never told me.

He was on my mind when I made this drawing. He lies among the stars and I wish he'd come out and come to me so I'll say some of words to him and he'd smile at me again.

For the drawing I used white and black charcoal pencil on black sketchbook.








Thank you so much for reading my blog and a taking time to read my story.

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