Sundays without football ⚽️

in GEMS4 years ago

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Hi everyone!

I'm a big football fan.
I've always had a passion for this sport...since I was a child, I loved watching games but, above all, I liked playing football with my brother, my friends and cousins.

Matches that sometimes took place in improvised pitches or on strips of asphalt on which the field and the goals were delimited. Endless challenges that lasted hours and were faced with a very high level of competition and commitment.

It was pure joy, it's impossible to return to experience those wonderful sensations.

That primordial passion has turned into another always overwhelming, but a little more mature.

Surely now I no longer play 2 or 3 times a week as a few years ago, both for work and family commitments, but also for issues of form, training and injuries from the past that have left some aftermath.

I became a spectator in all respects and I poured all my adrenaline that was released when I was playing, on being a fan.

As a teenager my football idol was Gabriel Omar Batistuta, the great Argentine striker whom I consider to be among the strongest bombers ever.
A footballer able to score in any way and from any position, impossible to stop for his extraordinary physical strength and with a powerful and precise shot.
But not only that, Bati had the leader's temperament, a lion's courage, the personality and charisma of the great champions.
When the Lion King went to play in Rome, winning a Serie A championship, I became passionate about those colors and I remained a yellow-red fan.


Just today, I found this beautiful heirloom, an action figure that represents him with the jersey of AC Fiorentina, a team in which he played for many years and of which he has become a historical legend.
It's a bit ruined by time...I think I have had it for at least 25 years, but it's always wonderful.

Now that I'm no longer a kid, I like to go and see my favorite team live once or twice a year, but going to the Olimpico is not so easy for me, since I live about 250 km from the Capital. Even if it's really worth it...the atmosphere is always special and every time I enter that stadium, I experience incredible emotions.


And so I mostly live football from my home, in a very visceral and constant way in all its forms.
One of these, for example, is the Fantasy Football, a game that I have been organizing with my friends for a couple of decades and which has made the appointment with the football weekend even more felt.

Until two months ago, it seemed to me that a Sunday without football was an anomaly, it was really sad when there was a stop for the National Team matches, for example.

Now that football is definitely not the most important topic to talk about, everything has changed.

This lack went on the back burner and, in my mind, as well as many other fans, I almost got used to the absence of the matches.
Even if the situation is improving, there is a much more important challenge to be won and it's still too early to say if we can continue playing and until when.

There are still cases of Coronavirus in football teams and starting too lightly, without calculating all risk factors well, could be really dangerous.

As a fan, I hope to see the football show again soon and to be able to relive with even more joy the emotions that this wonderful sport can give.

Football will surely be an infusion of optimism and will give those who live it in the right way a few hours of leisure and lightheartedness that will make us forget all the problems and misfortunes of recent times.


Thanks to all of you for reading my article.

If you liked it, share it on your blog and write me a comment with your impressions.

See you soon!


All images, unless otherwise specified, are the exclusive property of the author

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