Explosion in the Adler Plastic factory and risk of dioxin release ⚠️

in GEMS4 years ago


A violent explosion occurred in the afternoon of May 5 around 4 p.m. in the Adler Plastic factory in Ottaviano (Naples).

The accident was fatal to one of the workers, the 55 year old Vincenzo Lanza, whose body was extracted lifeless from the rubble of a collapsed shed.

Together with him, two other colleagues were rescued, one of whom is in serious condition: he has suffered various fractures in the limbs, burns and has a perforated lung. He has already undergone surgery in the civil hospital of Nola and is hospitalized in intensive care. The other, however, seems to cause less concern and has been transported to the Cardarelli hospital in Naples.

The implant is owned by Paolo Scudieri, entrepreneur at the head of an international group for the design, development and industrialization of components. The causes of the accident are not yet clear, but it could be a gas cylinder. The Prosecutor of Nola is already working to ascertain the reason with precision.
On site, 25 fire trucks have intervened to put out the fire as quickly as possible, to avoid further damage and environmental consequences.

The explosion was so strong that it was felt several kilometers away, moreover the shock wave shattered the windows of many houses in the surrounding area.
I, from my house, clearly heard the rumble and, as you can see from the map, I live 14 km far from the accident site.


And the cloud of black smoke that rose in the sky yesterday afternoon was very visible. There is a great deal of concern as there is a real risk that combustion and explosion of chemical components have occurred.
The special teams of the NBCR and ARPAC intervened to establish it.

As a precaution, the mayor Luca Capasso asked the population to close doors and windows and issued an ordinance prohibiting the collection and eating of agricultural products within a kilometer of the explosion site.

From the first checks, however, ARPAC makes it known that the fixed control units of the air quality monitoring network did not detect significant increases in the concentrations of atmospheric pollutants.

But the tests will continue and the parameters will be monitored by a mobile laboratory operating from this morning and located near the factory. A sampler of high volumes of air is also in operation for the search for dioxins.
Arpac also found that the duration of the fire was relatively limited (not exceeding three hours), and that a significant part of the pollutants dispersed upwards, at around a thousand meters above sea level.

Meanwhile, in the evening I raised my eyes to the sky and I thought I saw a strange dark cloud. I really hope that this tragedy will not leave further consequences in our lives.


Thanks to all of you for reading my article.

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See you soon!


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