mulberry fruit : a tiny fruit with many good benefit for health

in GEMS4 years ago

Dear Steemian,

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-11 at 14.43.48 (1).jpeg

Mulberry is a tiny sweet and sour fruit that contain vitamin C. The fruit, growth in the tropical area such as south east asia region, beside the fruit that has benfit for human the leaf of this mulberry for feeding silk worm by the the farmer in many area this fruit known also as morus alba, mulberry look like a blackberry fruit.

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this mulberry also growth in my small garden at the back yard, I always consume this fruit because I Know the benefit of this fruit. to plant this mulberry is very easy we only need to take the branch at put it in the pot it very easy to grow

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WhatsApp Image 2020-03-11 at 14.43.48.jpeg

Best Regard



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