Now, More Than Ever - Act Responsible

in GEMS4 years ago

If you follow consumer behavior you'll see how that differs from one consumer to another, based on various factors. There are a lot to consider when deciding on which products to buy and in most of the cases price and budget are the ones deciding, but now, more than ever, there is another factor we should definitely consider.


A lot of countries where already struggling before the covid-19 pandemic and there will be more struggling from now on. This crazy pandemic has affected the economies worldwide, there's not one country who can say they are not affected economically by the virus.

When the virus started to spread and countries started to close their borders and instating lockdown, many businesses had to close as they were forced to. Closing down for two months creates a huge loss, especially when the closing has never been planned and no one was ready for it, not mentally, emotionally, nor economically.

In my country starting from May 15 the lockdown is over, the state or emergency is going to bee changed with state or alert. We don't know what this means exactly till the regulations are out. All we know is that affidavits will disappear, there will be no need for that if you want to go out, however you'll need one if you want to leave town.

Shops that have entrance from the street will be allowed to open, beauty salons as well and other business too as long as they respect social distancing and disinfecting regularly. Malls stay closed though.

Now, More Than Ever

My guess is that many people are running out of money, some already emptied their bank account and lived up all their savings. However, money needs to circulate, the economy needs money and we're responsible of helping. Our buying behavior counts a lot even though many don't realize that, or are just ignorant and don't care.

Be KM0

One thing we can do is buy local products, those that are really made locally of locally produced raw materials. I've been doing that for a long time and from now on I'm going to be even more careful of what I'm buying. This is very important!

Buying imported products means sending money out of the country, which means instead of supporting your local economy, you're supporting another country's economy. That won’t do any favours for your economy.


There's no room for error now, every penny counts!

I've been watching RAI1, Italy's national state broadcaster and they are asking people to buy Italian products, not go abroad on holiday, ever since the pandemic started. I believe it's a great idea, asking people to be responsible.

A Wake-up Call

As soon as the lockdown happened, shortages became obvious. There were basic products missing from the shops for weeks if not months, simple products like flour and yeast for example, that should have never been missing. Many countries have the possibility of growing or/and producing these products but due to various reasons these products have been imported from other countries.

I understand that it's cheaper to buy from China, where human rights and environmental laws are non existent, therefore they can cut costs and sell you the cheapest products that most of the time are of extremely low quality. However, this covid-19 pandemic should be a lesson for all the countries, a wake-up call to revise their economical policies and try to be more independent as far as basic products (food, medical equipment and supplies, etc.) are concerned. It won't end well if the entire world is depending on one country. No one should have that much power, ever!

This pandemic is far from over and who can guarantee that it won't come an even worse one. Next time they can't say we didn't know, no one knew. Let's do what we can, let's do our part!

So what are you going to do?


I think it is a very good point of view. And right. To consume local services and goods. And we have to call to it, ss there are many people who don't think of it at all. Of course, sometimes it depends only on your wallet

I believe we have to do this if we want our country to get back on track and people to have their jobs.

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