Digital Art - On the Wall

in GEMS4 years ago

I don't put limits on my imagination, I currently attempt to concentrate in order to transmit my ideas and I am making a habit of creating art constantly.

I was looking at the wall and imagined an art placed there made by me, so it came to my mind to make this digital art:

I titled it: On the Wall


Since I'd like to have something like that on my wall.

You can visualize that they are like clouds in the background, with some lines that show another plane, what I want to represent is the time delimited by lines.

I launched other thinner lines that give them a mysterious reflection, creating a separation with a background, this was done with 3 types of brushes and I used the surface blur to give it another style.

I used a colour consultation layer and gradient to give it the tone that is shown.

I created this art in photoshop, it is totally of my authorship.

I remind you I am not an artist, any suggestion will be a pleasure for me...


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